Chapter 2- Luca

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"What the fuck Luca! Where in the bloody hell is my stash?"
I was jolted awake by my druggy of a father. He pinned me down on my bed threatening to punch me.
"Calm down Ed. I don't know where your stash is. You probably shot it all up"
"You better not be lying you little shit. If I find out you've been hiding it I'll beat the shit outa you." Then he smacked me on the head and walked away.
By now he should know better than to think I'd hide his drugs. The last time I did that I ended up in the ER with two broken rips and a severe concussion. I thought maybe hiding his drugs would get him to finally put down the needle ,but man was I wrong. It's as if ,you retaliate against him he just comes back even harder, in this case with drugs.
    While laying in bed I listen to the usual sounds in the morning, dad yelling at mum for some stupid shit, crashing of yet another cheap plate, and crying from in my little sisters bedroom. I hate it so fucking much that he does this to us. Poor Holly she's only 9, she probably thinks it's her fault, like I once did.
"Hey Holly, you okay kiddo?"
    Holly ran over to me crying then gave me a big hug"why does he always have to yell at us?"
    I look at the tiny girl in my arms. She doesn't deserve this. One day when I get enough money I'm getting us both out of this hell hole.
"I don't know kiddo. Hey look I have to leave for work soon, but when I get back ,how about we go get some ice cream?"
"Just me and you?" Looking up at me with a tearful smile
"Just me a you."I said with a fist bump.
    I walked to my room , then out my window on to the fire escape. The bad thing about dealing with my dads shit is I resort to releasing my stress in a pack of cigarettes everyday. At this point it was a full blown addition and there was no stopping that.
   I pulled out the new pack I bought yesterday, and lit up the first cig of the day. Release the stress I feel inside with ever puff. Looking out onto the horrid city ,I curse God, If there was one, for giving me the shit parents I have. Mum was alright but the fact that she wouldn't leave dad made her the shit parent that she is.
   After my smoke section, I hopped in the shower then quickly got ready for work. When I walked downstairs, I found my mum sitting on the floor surrounded by glass. Her arms we're pretty badly bruised, but that wasn't nothing new. She always try's to blame it on her patients being " rough" at work. But we all know who the real culprit is. There was also a cut on her face that was bleeding pretty badly.
"Mum, are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. It's okay I just dropped some plates again"
"Mum I wasn't born yesterday I know that dad was hurt you again. You can't let him do this to you. Why won't you just leave him already."
"Luca its fine nothing..."
"Fine! Fine are you kidding me. Look around Mum you think this is fine? He's fucking hurting you!"
"Luca it's okay your father just got a little mad that's all."
" Mum I love you but your being delusional. For the sake of your kids leave him already. I got to go." And I slammed the door behind me.
   As I walked to the bus station, I popped in my earbuds and listened to some classic rock. I was always an old soul. I liked rock over rap, I even preferred vinyl. That's probably why I got a job a the vinyl store downtown.
   When I got to the bus station I gave a dollar to the homeless man that's there just about everyday. I feel bad for the guy he once told me he served in the war and when he came home no one wanted to help him get back on his feet. So he was left to beg on the streets.
   When I finally got to work it was a somewhat busy day, people in and out of the shop. It wasn't until around 6:30 when one girl in particular caught my attention. She had bleach blond hair that went down to her lower back. She was small and petite, and she had on Mum jeans, I think they call them, that perfectly showed off her ass. I wanted to talk to her but I was hesitant, so I decided to pretend to ask if she dropped a £10 note.
"Sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if this was yours? I found it on the ground over there"I pointed to the spot where I had "found" the note.
"No sorry..."
   She had an American accent which made her a 10 times hotter.
"That's a good one."
"The album. It's good. Marvin Gaye is a classic"
"Yeah. It was my mom's favorite."
   I can tell by the expression on her face that this made her sad so I changed the subject.
"Are you just visiting?"
"No I actually just moved here today."
"Oh.I can't tell by your accent ,your from America. What are you doing living here?"
"I came to live with my dad."
"Oh I see."
"Yeah this is definitely a different atmosphere than where I grew up."
    I can see my ass of a boss giving me a look to get back to work. So I sadly decided to cut the conversation short.
"I'm sure. Hey I have to get back to work but before I go, what is your name?"
"Well it was nice meeting you Laine. See you later"
     Laine.That's all I could think about the rest of my shift, Laine. There was something about her, Something that was drawing me to her.
When I got home I was surprised to find my dad wasn't home yet. My mum was cooking dinner as per usual.
"Hey Mum I'm going to go take Holly to get ice cream. I'll be back later."
"Okay. Be careful."
I called for Holly and then we were on our way. The walk was short, about 15 mins. The little girl talked about how she dreamed to live in a Barbie dream house one day. She was very imaginative. When we got to the ice cream shop Holly ordered a strawberry twist and I ordered a rocky road.
"How's your ice cream?"
" Berrylicious! Hey Luka, do you think mummy will ever leave dad?"
" I'm not sure. Hopefully one day."
"I hope one day she finds a prince to marry her. She deserves a good man not like dad. He's mean."
"Yeah. Come on kiddo let's go."
When we were approaching our house I saw a expensive ass car parked out front. I didn't think much of it though. When we walked in there was a man leaning over my dad at the dining room table. He was wearing blue button up shirt with black jeans. His hair was brown with hints of gray in it. "Just make sure to get me the blood money Eddy!" The man said through his teeth while holding my dad by the collet of his shirt. Then the man threw my dad back down on to the chair. He walked passed me then out the door, back to his overly expensive car.
" Dad who was that?" Honestly the man was probably a drug dealer,trying to get my dad to pay him back.
"Just my boss. Nothing to worry about.
"Yeah sure, looked like nothing" I said with an eye roll. "Come on Holly lets get you to bed now kiddo."

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