Duty vs. dad

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Mendacious Vex stepped into the office and looked around the sparsely decorated room. A desk, a coatrack, a filing cabinet, and two bookshelves.
She looks at over at China, who is currently reading through paperwork, "You called" Mendacious says.

"Yes" China pauses and looks up from the piece of paper to look at Mendacious, "I want your help with a slight problem."

Mendacious tilts her head, "Ok, it's gotta be important if you're asking for my help"

China huffs, "Yea, because your dear old dad doesn't want you in the field."

Mendacious laughs, " Yea. What do you need from me?"
China glances at Mendacious and sighs "You've heard about this portal right?" China inquires
Mendacious tilts her head and nods in affirmation.

China stacks the paperwork and stands up to file it away, "I would like you to go over to the other side, and protect the mortals from danger should it come"
Mendacious looks down at her feet, thinking. "What do I tell my dad? Because he's not just going to let me go"

China looks back at Mendacious, "tell him the truth, the last thing I want is Dexter Vex out for me," China walks to her coat rack and grabs her jacket. "If he says no, I'll respect that, but please do tell him that I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think you could handle it" China finishes and walks out the door, leaving Mendacious to think.

Next day

Mendacious walks downstairs and to the kitchen, where she sees her dad reading the paper. She goes to a cupboard and pulls out a bowl for cereal.

"Morning dad" Mendacious says.

Dexter looks up from the paper, "hey, what's wrong?" He asks

Mendacious looks at him in shock, "what do you mean?"

Dexter sighs, "Seriously? Don't even try to lie. Something's bothering you. I can tell, what is it?"
Mendacious looks down at her bowl of cereal. "China talked to me the other day, she had a..." Mendacious pauses, "she had a job for me, but only if you give permission" Mendacious says.

Dexter looks confused for a second, "why would you be worried about that? I've never said no to a job before" he states.

Mendacious looks at her hands, "She also said she wouldn't be asking if she didn't think I could do it"

Dexter sighs, "Mendacious," he waits for her to look at him, "Just spit it out"

Mendacious freezes and looks away from her dad. She thinks to her self this is going to be bad...
Mendacious looks at her dad, "She wants me to go through the portal to protect the mortals should they need it" Mendacious declares.

Dexters once calm demeanor does a complete 180 and he's scowling, "absolutely not," he snaps
Mendacious' eyes widen, "why not? I'll be careful, and I'll probably have a team with me" Mendacious states

Her dad shoots up from the stool he was sitting on, "because it's dangerous!" He bellows
Mendacious flinches back but continues on anyway, "you do dangerous things all the time!" Mendacious shouts

Dexter glares at Mendacious, "I said no, end of story," he hisses "If I hear about it again, you're grounded" He threatens before stomping out of the kitchen.

Mendacious glares at him before sighing and eating her cereal.

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