A New Friend

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You sat in the art room drawing your family in hell smiling then heard a voice "Uh Hi I'm Delilah Birch, I'm new here can I sit next to you?" you nodded smiling while unsure if to trust her or not "I'm Y/n," she looked at your drawing raising an eye brow "Who are they?" you smiled "My family, My dad is an engineer, my big brother Angel he's a nice guy, Charlie Magne is like my aunt to me so is Miss Vaggie, Alastor is technically like my second brother, Niffty is a maid at a hotel but she's awesome, husk is like my uncle" you pointed to each of them while explaining "and let me tell you this Alastor actually scared me when I was still new to a hotel" Delilah looked at the picture and at you making a smile "huh so they're like monsters or something?" you nodded "No they're uhh people with normal lives," she smiled at you and asked "Hey you think we can hang out at your place sometime? we'll hang out during class" you nodded at the idea thinking of a project to make when you get home from school "Great idea! oh by the way what's your favorite animal and color?" she smiled "My favorite color is Blue and animal? A Deer!" your eyes sparkled with joy and opportunity "Awesome! so my somewhat big brother Alastor is also a deer person!" the art teacher put his book down answering his phone "hello? yeah this is  (School/Name), uh huh yeah hang on, Class I'll be out the door for a few" the whole class sat in their seats continuing to draw you looked around and kept coloring your drawing "So Delilah want to sit with me at lunch? Vaggie made me lunch and I have extras incase I get to explore the town" she nodded smiling "Yeah! I'll sit next to you at lunch" after a couple of classes later the bell rang signaling lunch you walked to your table sitting waiting for Delilah "She'll be here, now to see what Vaggie made she said that dad helped pack a little snack" you pulled out a packet smiling "Aww he packed a little packet of gummies Hell's most favored by all demons can't wait to try it" you saw Delilah walking to your table "Hey Y/n Sorry for the wait, some girls tried to talk smack about you one of them has a black eye any reason for that?" you nodded smiling while eating the gummy demons "Yeah she talked Shit about me yesterday, so no worries" you handed her your extra lunch "These gummies are amazing, if you don't like 'em then I'll eat them" she got confused about the gummies and tried one smiling enjoying "Good right? my dad packed them" she looked at the ground and sighed "at least you have a family that cares about you, I don't have a family I'm an orphan" a bright idea came into your head smiling "Hey wanna come over after school? Angel is gonna pick me up after school wanna come" she nodded smiling

~After school/Back to Hell~

You and Delilah sat on the school's steps smiling while waiting for Angel Dust "You're gonna love big brother Angel he's a nice guy and has a soft spot for children" you saw a portal open seeing Angel dust appearing looking around "Oh man I forgot what it was like up here, oh hey Y/n sweetie who's your little friend?" Delilah looked at you and at Angel Dust asking "Wait Angel is an Actual Demon? you drew actual demons in art class?" you nodded smiling "Yup, but he's a nice Demon so is some people that try to hurt others but that's kinda life and they have normal food down there" she looked at you and stayed close to you "Alright let's go then" Angel picked both of you up "Hang on it's gonna be a dizzy ride" Angel walked you and Delilah into the portal ending up in the Hotel he sighed setting you and your friend down "Good to be home," Alastor turned to Angel dust "Angel welcome back and who is this?" gesturing to Delilah you stepped in wearing your disguise "Oh her name is Delilah Birch she's an orphan like me before, and she likes Deers like Alastor" Angel Dust asked "Does she like spiders too?" you shrugged gesturing to your friend "Ask her, I just met her today" Angel smiled kneeling to Delilah's height "Do you like spiders too? just take your time to adjust Hell it's not that bad" she nodded slowly "Uhhh yeah?" he smiled "Ah it's okay if you don't I know some spiders are scary but some are nice," she smiled getting used to them "Hey Alastor can you get father? cause I need to ask him something" he nodded and walked out of the hotel "Now I'll be back in a few, let your friend look around for a while, Angel show them to their Room please?" Angel nodded waving bye "Don't take to long Al" walked up to the counter trying to find a key to her room "Come on come on where the hell are the keys?" Angel looked at you and nodded in a joking manner "Here Sweetie let me help you, uh Delilah go ahead and take a look around this is gonna take a while" she nodded walking away from the lobby to take a look around "This place is awesome! I found the kitchen!" you and Angel smiled still searching for a key "Ha! found it!" Angel smiled patting your head lightly "Good job lil' sis let's go and uh hey if Delilah is an orphan then who's gonna adopt her?" you looked at him with a smile "Hmmm?" you made gestures for him to ask her. Angel raised an eye brow and made a smile "You mean me and Alastor adopting? wow not a bad idea N/n" you smiled hearing the door open "Y/n You need me for something?" you smiled knowing it's your dad "Father! and yes I have a friend and they need a Disguise pendant too if it's okay with you" sir pentious looked at you raising and eye brow "a friend? that's new, anyway a Disguise pendant will take a while so yeah you and your friend are gonna have to stay home tomorrow," you and Angel dust mentally celebrated and tried acting disappointed "Aw okay it's no problem" Delilah ran back screaming "Heeelp!! I'm being chased by a woman with a spear!!" you stood infront of her "Vaggie wait! it's only my friend!" Vaggie looked at you and put her spear down sighing "Y/n we all gotta be cautious the Extermination is getting nearer by the day" you looked at Sir Pentious and everyone else "but they don't know that me and Delilah are humans." Vaggie looked at you and her sighing "I know, but Angels don't give any shits on who is what they think they're controlling the population but more people just come to hell over time, that's why Charlie is trying to rehabilitate demons," Delilah sat on a couch listening to this "So what happens to humans if THEY die in Hell?" Sir Pentious looked at you and pulled you close to him slightly, Alastor knew and decided to explain "Well if humans die down here they either become demons or an Angel" you heard a knock you walked to your friend walking her away from the lobby into your hotel room "Stay here it won't take long" she nodded going to your bed while you left your room "Huh, I wonder who's here" you carefully walked down the stairs hearing some talking "Lucifer, Lilith what brings you two here?" you stayed quiet while watching on what was going on hearing them speak "We came to check on things" you slightly walked down going behind sir pentious "Dad who are they?" Lilith looked at you and raised an eye brow "Who is this child? I've never seen her before" you looked at her "I'm still new to hell and why you never seen me is because I had a mystery death no one knew about" she shrugged "Oh yeah those seem to happen a lot" Lucifer of course bought it "Welcome to Hell Child, is there another child here?" you sweated and shook "Oh uh yeah but she's still going through her transformation! it's gonna take a while! you know how that is Mr and Mrs Magne" they nodded buying your lie you sighed in relief "Oh hey dad uh me and my friend need help with something" he nodded and slithered "Of course you go right ahead tell your friend I'll be up in a moment, excuse us" you unlocked your door walking into your room "Delilah my dad is on his way up here, I have my engineering things in my back pack" Sir Pentious came into your room shutting the door "Okay let's get this pendant device built".

Another page done hope you all enjoy and have a good Day Or night.
should I draw Delilah Birch in her demon form or no? 🤔

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