She makes me lose my mind

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After she drags me backstage she continues till we're outside, she still has the same smile on her face. My legs are about to give out on me when Hope starts to talk to me.
"So, how do you feel?" She asks me .
"To be honest? I feel like I'm about to pass out. I'm standing in front of my celebrity crush and I get to spend time with you for a month." I say in a single breath.
"When you put it like that it makes it sound terrifying." She giggles.
"Yeah, you could say that." I chuckle back.
"Well I'm glad that you won. And now we're gonna take you home give you till tomorrow to pack then pick you up later."
"Alright. I live with my sister so she might be confused."
"Oh, that's fine we'll take her with us. No big deal."
"Are you serious you would do that?"
"Of course. Though you'll owe me."
"What're we talking about money or something like that?"
"No! You owe me an... outing. An outing to a restaurant or something like that once we get to my house."
"So.. like a date?" My heart is almost beating out my chest for just wanting to hear her say it.
"Yeah, like a date. I would like to take you out on a date. If you want?" She rubs the back of her neck as she looks at the ground.
I let my confidence boost for a second as I guide her face up to look at me.
"I would really like to go out with you Hope Mikaelson." Her face brightens up again with a smile.
"Alright then."
"Miss Mikaelson, we need to go now." A Raven haired girl with green eyes says to Hope. Penelope Park AKA Hopes manager.
"Alright Pen. Well let's go shall we?"
She holds out her arm for me so I hook it under hers and she walks us up to a limo. I stop in my tracks.
"You okay?" Hope asks beside me.
"Im going home in a limo with Hope Mikaelson?!" I ask excitedly. Jumping up and down like a little kid.
"Yeah and a date. How lucky can you get?" She chuckles opening the door for me. I get in and Hope slides in next to me, after she shuts the door the car takes off. I look around and the limo is simple but perfect. Hope is on her phone then pulls it in front of us on a little table for pictures. In one of them she kisses my cheek and I go red as mess.
"Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." Hope says looking into my brown eyes with her deep blue eyes.
"No. It's fine. Just startled me I guess. I mean you're a celebrity. That asked me out and kissed me on the cheek. That is not really an everyday thing." I respond with a soft smile.
"Good." She smiles big at me. "So um the plan is that we're going to give you and your sister three hours to pack then we'll go to the airport and head to my house then we just chill and have fun."
"Alright sounds like a plan." I giggle she looks at me returning the smile. As we pull up to my house I realize I don't want her to leave. "Actually... could you stay with me while I'm packing? So I know what to expect there in New Orleans."
"Sure." She gives me a grin. "I would love to help you with your wardrobe."
"Good. Lizzie, my sister, will probably just pack whatever."
"Then let's go." We get out of the limo and I unlock the door to Lizzie on the couch watching tv. She looks over at us and her eyes widen at Hope walking in.
"Omg! You're Hope Mikaelson! And you're at my house! Wait! Do I have any smudges?!"

Lizzie POV
"Lizzie, you're fine. I won a contest or what not so I get to hang out with Hope for the rest of the month. And I convinced her to let you come with us." Hope walks up to me and holds out her hand.
"Would you like to come with us?" She asks. Immediately I shake her hand with a childish grin.
"Gladly. Now Josie we have to pack."
"Hopes gonna help me with mine." I smirk at her and add a wink but Hope doesn't seem to notice since she's looking at her phone. She seems to be focusing hard on what she's doing. "Hope? You ready to help?"
"Yeah. Let's go." Josie goes up the stairs with Hope right behind her. I smirk at them and go to my room.

Josie POV
Hope looks around my room and sits on my bed.
"I like your room. The bed seems comfy too."
"You should really see how comfy it really is!" Lizzie yells from her room.
"Lizzie shut up!" I yell back. Hopes and my face are beet red. "Sorry about her. She doesn't get that there are some things we should keep to ourselves."
She starts laughing softly and I'm confused.
"Sorry but you should've seen your face when she said that."
"Shut up." I say trying not to laugh myself.
"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Just let me breathe for a second." She stops for a second then we both start laughing our heads off. I love her laugh it's so sweet and fragile. It makes me wanna just kiss her and make her my girlfriend, but I know I don't really have a chance.
Once we settle down and begin to breathe again I realize Hopes hand is on my thigh as well as my hand on hers. We look at each other and slowly lean into each other when the door opens and in comes Lizzie.
"Which one should I bring?" Lizzie holds up two bikinis and Hope points to the first one.
"I like that one. Looks more you." She says and not gonna lie. I'm jealous. I hated that. Lizzie walks out and Hope goes over to my closet.
"Let's see what you got in here."
"Wait!" Too late. All of the posters and pictures I have of Hope are hung up in my closet and she sees them now. Embarrassing to the max.
"Look who's a fan." I cover my face with my hands but Hope gently pulls them away. "Don't feel embarrassed I find it flattering that you have a shrine of me in your closet."
"Now you make me sound like a stalker." I pout a little but Hope just smiles softly at me.
"I promise it's okay." I smile back with my face still warm. She turns back to the closet and goes through it and hands me things to put in my suitcase. She tries to grab my shoes from the shelf but since she's short it looks cute. I go behind her and place my hand on the small of her back to steady myself as I grab the shoes we're pressed tightly together. I hand them to her and we look back at each other for awhile.
"Thank you." She says.
"Uh, sure no problem." She smiles then puts them into my suitcase and shuts it.
"Ready to go?" Lizzie says coming into the room.
"Yeah let's go." Hopes phone rings, she looks at it then walks out. Lizzie looks at me then shrugs her shoulders and walks out. I grab my suitcase and take it outside as a guy helps Lizzie put her bags in the back. Hopes at the front of the car with the phone pressed to her ear. I walk up and hand the guy my suitcase. Hope walks over to us and smiles and opens the door of the limo once again Lizzie shoots inside as I wait till it's safe and hop in. Hope gets in next to me and smiles.
"Where to Ms. Mikaelson?" The guy asks.
"The airport." She says calmly then starts smiling big. "You guys ready to meet my home?"

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