Room Mates

392 14 12

Ever since what happened at lunch I made it a point to show off how grumpy I am. I randomly snap, mostly at that dam nerd Deku, for even breathing the wrong way. Like hell I was going soft.

"And that's the dismissal bell. Remember you are going to the dorms today. I left a sheet there showing where all of your dorms are and the rules. I will be staying there as well so don't think you will be able to get away with anything. You can leave now." Our teacher says, monotone as always.

Chairs create an ear piercing sound as everyone stands. I exit as well.

"I wonder who I'll dorm with! I hope it's someone manly!" I over hear Shitty Hair say. I hope he rooms with me. Wait, what the hell. I growl at myself for thinking that.

"Oh yea? I bet I have an idea on a current explosive blonde you want to room with~ Isn't that right Kiri~?" Acid Brain says clearly insinuating something. Anger bubbles in me and shame more because of the nickname then what she implied.

"Minaaaaa! Stop!" The red head loser wines.

I storm into the dorms and make it a point to slam the door behind me. I stomp over to the table where everyone's gathered to look at the sheet.

"Out of my way!" I snatch the paper as the door opens. They practically cower in fear. I smirk.

Room 120... No.

Room 134... No.

Room 141... No.

Room 156...

No fucking way.

"Looks like we are room mates!" That idiot practically gleams.

No fucking way.

I toss the sheet at a random student and storm up stairs.

Shitty Hair can not be my room mate. If he is he'll figure out about my nightmares. Then he will think I am the least 'manliest' person ever. He'll hate me. He'll tell everyone and then everyone will think I'm weak. I'm not weak.

I throw open the door and rush past the boxes that are hazardly placed around the room. My new room. His too.

I tear open a box that I recognize from my house. It's the one with my sheets and pillows. I tug them out and proceed to make my bed half heartedly. I flop on to my bed.

This is going be a long year.

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