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George P.O.V
We all got changed into our pyjamas and got into bed. I got into bed before Blake to pretend I was asleep but he didn't fall for it.
Connor was fast asleep so he didn't hear anything, but when Blake got into bed he knew I was faking it so he turned to me and said "George I know your not asleep your breathing really fast" I turned to him and just sighed, Blake then said "G what's going on you have been really distant with me lately"
I just sighed "George you know you can talk to me" he said "I know Blake but not about this I'm sorry B but I'm sure you will find out sooner or later" Blake just sighed "ok George night" "night B" I replied but little did he know that when I call him B it's not his name it's baby hhhhh really wish I could tell him.

Blakes POV
George is acting so strange I wanted more answers from him but I knew he won't tell me so I just gave up for the night.

It was now 2:30 in the morning and I could not sleep knowing there is something on George's mind which could be really bad and bringing him down, so i text Reece knowing he will still be awake. (A/N Reece is in bold)

Reecey Boy😎
'Hey Reece you still awake'

'Yeah what's up B'

'Can't sleep'

'Let me guess it's becuase of George'

'Yeah, he said he's got alot on his mind that's why he's been so distant from me but he's fine talking to you'

'He's fine Blake don't worry'



'OH SHIT want not meant to say that😣'



'Take him out just you two'

'WHAT NO are you crazy he don't like me the same way'

'You don't know that B just ask him when you can but do it tomorrow ok'

'Hhhhh ok I'll try'

'I'm going to sleep now B talk to ya in the morning night'

'Night Reece'

I just blabbed too Reece that I love George, I turn to George and see he is fast asleep, so I decide to just get some sleep too.

I wake up in the morning with me arm around George's waist and he was awake too but he didn't seem to mind, he was on his phone but he noticed I was waking up.

"Morning B sleep well" he says smiling "uh y-yeah slept f-fine" "that's good" he said
Reece will go mad if I don't ask George on a date now so it's now or never.
"Um G-George"
"Yes Blakey"
I love it when he calls me that makes my heart melt,
"Can I ask u a q-question" "um of c-course you can" he said sounding a little scared of what I'm gonna say 'how do I put this' I say to myself quietly but loud enough for George to hear "ok this might be a bit of the blue to you and you could hate me after this but" he cuts me off "Blake I could never hate you" he smiled but I just carry on and just say "ok hear goes nothing" I take a deep breath "u-um George can I t-take you on well a d-date maybe" I'm so scared right now, what's going through his head, he's not saying anything, iv ruined our friendship.

"Blake.....I uh"

This one is just that little bit longer haha hope your liking it so far

Hope your all staying safe and if there are amy of you out there with anxiety and depression my messahes are always open on my insta which is @NHC_Coffee if you need someone to talk too as i suffer with them both too and just about 5 mins ago the weirdest thing happened amd idk if that was coz kf my amxiety but im not gonna explain but hope your enjoying the book so far
Please like 💙

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