Random one-shot UwU

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This whole idea came from a shower thought and I thought this would be funny if it actually happened, so after a couple days of thinking I put my brain farts into word farts for some ungodly reason UwU ~ kill me ~ Anyways hope y'all enjoy                                    

                                                    ~ 3rd person POV ~

The Uchiha's had come over to have dinner at the Uzumaki's household in celebration of Naruto's first anniversary since becoming Hokage. They were chatting about how stupid Naruto was as a kid and everybody was calm until Sakura brought up the first day at the academy. Naruto and Sasuke just looked at each other and shrugged, thinking she wouldn't bring that up in front of the kids. Both of them froze in their tracks when Sakura opened her bitch-ass mouth "Oh! Sasuke remember when you kissed Naruto?" 'don't even...' they both thought. Boruto, Himawari and Sarada just stared at them in complete shock. Then Hinata joined in "Oh, and that other time you kissed when-" Sasuke cut her off "Yeah, yeah we get it ok!".

Boruto leaned over to Sarada and whispered in her ear "You don't think he swings the other way? Do you?" to which she replied, "My dad or yours?" Boruto smirked as if it were obvious "Yours, obviously!". This made Sarada turn beet red and scream into his ear "He's not gay! He has a wife! Hell, your dad's probably gayer than him!" she sounded desperate and was honestly questioning her dad's sexuality at this point. 

This made Sakura and Hinata smirk and kiss their husbands on the cheek "Don't worry guys, both kisses were on accident." (The ones just now or Naruto and Sasuke's? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Sakura reassured the kids. "Yeah, it's not like they got together or had an affair or something!" Hinata added. Naruto and Sasuke just stared at each other, making eye contact, they figured to just go along with it. The two laughed nervously, looking at the ground. 

Hinata picked up on this. "Naruto?" she sounded on edge a little bit "Yeah, Hinata?" "You haven't actually had an affair with him have you?" she was giving him a death glare. Naruto just sat there stuttering until he took a deep breath and tried to explain himself "When Sasuke came back..." everybody froze and stared at him, unblinking. Naruto ignored this and continued, "We talked, connected on a deep level. He kissed me and I kissed him back, we got back to my apartment and..." he leaned over to Hinata and whispered, "is it ok if I say this in front of the kids?" "It doesn't matter, just tell me what happened!" she looked furious but in reality, she was pushing back tears. "Ok," Naruto continued "We started making out on the couch, then one of us suggested we take it to the bed." he finished. "And?" Sakura bitched, "Well ...Uhm ... you can probably guess what happened afterwards..." Hinata broke into tears right then and there. "W-why, Naruto?" Hinata asked through sobs. "Look, Hinata, I'm sorry but this was before you told me you loved me and we were both curious teens ok?! Just chill its not like I meant to hurt you or anything! This doesn't change the fact that I love you alright!". 

 Himawari was stressed even though she didn't completely know what was happening, the other two kids seemed to be on the brink of tears. Sasuke was still staring at the floor waiting for this to blow over. Sakura was fuming at how spaced out Sasuke was. "Well, you two aren't actually, you know...right?" Naruto was about to cover for Sasuke when the raven interrupted him "Naruto, don't, I need to get this off my chest and it's long overdue at this point." Sakura's eyes started watering, realizing what was about to be said. "Yes." Sakura stiffened "Yes, what?" Sasuke looked her dead in the eyes as he said this "Yes, Sakura, I am gay! Happy now?" 

Sakura screamed and flipped the table, not caring about the food. Hinata told the kids to go upstairs and let the adults handle this one. The kids were all equally traumatized but Sarada was the most shell-shocked.

"Sasuke how could you!" Sasuke just took another deep breath and nudged Naruto, silently begging him to explain. "Me and Sasuke were curious about men and we figured that if we both had a mutual curiosity there'd be no harm in experimenting. he was right, so was I-" Hinata cut him off "Naruto?! You're gay too?!" "Bisexual, actually." he corrected, signalling Sasuke to continue. Boruto went batshit upstairs but the rest of them pretended like they couldn't hear him screaming "holy shit" and shouting in his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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