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Cyra let the Force guide her to Ben rather than the navigational system. It wasn't long after she left the planet's atmosphere that she saw a dark shadow blocking the stars ahead of her. She flew upon the Resistance craft first, wherein she felt Leia's presence, though she could not see the woman. Her connection through the Force was weak and faint, guiding Cyra to no longer undermine the severity of Rey's call. All of those ships back on D'Qar, all of those Resistance fighters, were now down to one craft. The Resistance was alive on a single ship.

She flinched as she saw a green beam fire at the Resistance craft. It came from a ship that was undoubtedly of the First Order. She inhaled a breath as she saw its size, so largely spread over the space that it blocked out miles worth of stars across its hull. She desperately hoped Ben had told them to not fire at her puny ship, before she pushed the X-Wing forward, entering into territory where the ship could blast her easily.

As the distance between her and the ship closed, she saw the force field of a hangar on the upper deck of the ship deteriorate. She entered into it. It closed behind her. She watched a legion of Stormtroopers, guns in their hands, march towards her ship. Cyra tried to suppress her nerves as she scanned the oncoming crowd for him. He was nowhere to be seen.

Cyra adjusted the lightsaber to her hip and ensured once more her blaster was on her thigh. She wiggled her backpack over her shoulders, popped the lid of the X-Wing, then jumped to the floor of the ship. Her eyes froze on the black shoes in front of her.

She raised her eyes, lifting her body from its crouched position, and saw him. Any barrier over her mind melted. She was mere feet away from him and could not be bothered to think of the things he had done, the situation they were in. She saw Ben and felt the world wash away.

Ben's face lightened when he saw her. She watched his eyebrows settle, the scrunch between them ceasing to exist. He blinked slowly, as if he could barely believe who was standing in front of him. As his eyes fell to his suddenly outstretched hand, Cyra's followed, and she slipped her hand into his gloved one.

He turned on his heel and started to march past the Stormtroopers. Cyra wiped any look of confusion off her face as he led her away. She noticed his hand wave away the handcuffs offered to him.

Cyra remained silent. She kept ensuring her shoulders were back and her face clear of any emotion. She wanted to look strong in the face of the Stormtroopers, in front of him.

Ben led them into a hallway. Anyone in his way immediately fled to the outskirts of the hall to allow him the full path. Cyra's eyebrow raised. People feared him, and yet he was holding the hand of a random girl. She wondered his decision for such a careless action. It would show weakness to his followers.

"I don't care," he muttered.

Cyra looked at him. She felt her face flush. Maybe she should have masked her thoughts better, she thought, and then started to project a barrier around her mind.

Ben released a single chuckle as he felt himself slip out of her mind. He came to a stop in front of an elevator. He pressed the button. She stood beside him. He led her into the elevator, releasing her hand as they turned to face the door.

As the elevator doors closed and it began to fly upwards, Cyra started to tap her fingers against her leg. They used to sit together without any ounce of awkward silence, but that was long gone. Both of them were thinking about the other, though they continued to stare at the door in front of them.

"So..." said Cyra quietly, rocking between her feet. "Big ship."

She yelped when she felt Ben's hands grab her face. She fell, already having been shifting her balance, onto him, and their lips crashed together. She tried to pull away, wanting to emit a small, "Ow," but he kept their faces close. He kissed her feverishly, letting her know she had been on his mind for the last six years. As they continued to kiss, Cyra's hands running up his chest, and Ben's running through her hair, her mind succumbed to him, and his did as well.

To Be So Lonely // Ben SoloWhere stories live. Discover now