January 3 2011

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It's nice to know that in 3 days my life has yet to fall apart. Every time I feel like it could, something makes it right again. I got accepted to my dream college today. I'm going to Oklahoma State University. The only college I applied to since it was the only one I truly wanted. In a month I have to go audition for the music program. That scares the shit out of me. I've got 2 auditions to do. One vocal and one instrumental. I want to become a music teacher... that's my whole dream. Get married, be a music teacher, have babies, raise a family, retire, die. That's it. Even though I have all these "life goals" as my therapist would call them, I still want to be gone. I want everything to happen right now and just be done. I love the idea of living my dream. I just...want to do it now so I can die quicker. If that makes any sense. I'm not suicidal, I just want to get it all over with. I thought this whole depression thing was just supposed to be "a phase"? I guess not... Well, me, it's 11:00 at night and I'm ready to go to bed. After having this break full of many christmases and a New Years party, I'm pooped. Goodnight.

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