🥵 ; park diamond

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❝ i'm still young, so i'm going to be dumb and broke ❞

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i'm still young, so i'm going to be dumb and broke

[ heterosexual playgirl || @/me ]

full name;
— park diamond

— dd
— dia
— mon

— 21

birth date;
— february 14th

— new york city

— new york city
— seoul, south korea

— korean-american

— korean

languages spoken; 
— english || 10/10
— korean || 9/10

— diamond is very slutty, and very touchy mostly with just her boyfriends. but he can act very slutty when it comes to a mission, but she doesn't touch them unless she desperately needs to. this also meaning that diamond is very flirty, and she loves to flirt with everyone, even everyone in the gang, mostly because she likes to try and make her crush jealous. diamond is also a little bit of a psychopath, and she isn't afraid to admit it, she likes to do some crazy shit. and lastly, diamond is usable, when she gets a boyfriend she lets them abuse her as much as they desire, even though she doesn't entirely like it, but she'll do anything for loved ones to be happy. so she let's anyone use her to their advantage. diamond has a really hard time showing her emotions along with concern and/or worry. though, deep down she really does, it's just hard for her to channel that into the real world. although she may be lacking emotions, it's what makes her the adorable smol bean she is. also, diamond may not be able to show her true emotions or feelings. she is a huge sweetheart who; is honest and is like an open book with everyone. diamond also tends to be very awkward babie, from her social anxiety to her body issues it's hard for her to keep eye contact with someone while talking to them, or she is just plain out awkward. diamond is also judgmental, she tries not to be but she is without realizing it sometimes, she judges people too quickly as well. but long story short, she's very dirty-minded and a hoe who has a hard time showing love, but she does really love and care for everyone.

 but long story short, she's very dirty-minded and a hoe who has a hard time showing love, but she does really love and care for everyone

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