Chapter 08

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Henry woke up with a throbbing headache and an unbearable taste in his mouth. To say he felt awful was an understatement.

He carefully got up so as to not worsen his headache and glanced over at the clock. His eyes widened when he saw that it was 10 am and he was already an hour late to work.

He quickly got up and rushed over to his bedroom where he did his business as fast as possible and changed into clean clothes. He had no time to grab breakfast and so he ran out of the house and got into his car and sped off to work.

When he reached his work building he parked carelessly and ran over to the office.

He was immediately stopped in his tracks by Bailey who had a devious smirk playing on her lips."You are late, babe."

"Please don't call me that and yes I know I am late now can I get into my office?" He was irritated by her voice and overall presence.

" I will cover for you if you give me a kiss on the lips. The boss was not to please when you cancelled the meeting and we wouldn't want our Henry getting into trouble now would we?"

"Bailey please don't do this I have a wife."

"That's not what you said when you were planting your seed in me." She winked at him and all he gave was a look of disgust for this woman that was unfortunately carrying his child.

" Bailey I don't have time for this please.......for God's sake woman!" He was attempting to keep his anger and frustration at bay but it was proving difficult to do so.

"You will not raise your voice at me Henry. Be gentle, I am the mother of your chil so don't speak to me like you talk to your little wife, got it?"

Henry was now fuelling with rage that she was insinuating that he was aggressive towards Amina. The mention of Amina made him miss her even more. " You listen here, I am going to go to my office and you are going to act like none of this happened. You are not to utter a single word to anyone about the pregnancy and you will not speak of my wife. You are not anything to me besides the mother of my child so don't you dare try to get involved where you don't belong." He spoke in a deep, threatening voice that gave Bailey chills. She furiously nodded her head with tears threatening to spill from her eyes but he didn't care for her, he just walked past her and into his office.

For the rest of the day he was locked away in his office over working himself in Hope's of forgetting about Amina and Bailey's pregnancy. It worked well until it was 6pm and he needed to go home. He quickly left his office and got out of the building without even acknowledging Bailey. He couldn't stand to look at her.

On the drive back to his house he decided that perhaps Amina was staying with her only friend that he knew of, Aaliyah. He had her number even though he never talked to her and he thought it would be worth the try.

When he reached his house. He was shocked to find all the lights off. It felt so strange and unpleasant coming back to not be greeted by his wife. All the things he took for granted was truly missed by him now that it was gone.

The feeling of loneliness and abandonment only worsened when he entered the house and switched on the lights. The house was dirty and most of all it was missing the one person that made it a home, it was missing his wife. Home to him was simply where Amina was and now this house was no longer a home.

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