A/N - Annoying/Nuts

87 6 15

Bred: What time is it?

Nightmare: It's muffin time!

Everyone: ...

Bred: Acctually, it's 1:13 AM and-

Nightmare: Somebody kill me!

Error: You're an idiot, aren't you.

Nightmare: *le sad tear*

Bred: Aaaallright. anYwAYs- It's 1:14 AM and I've eaten an entire bowl of sugar.

Blueberry: ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ I LOVE SUGAR!! IT'S SO SWEET!

Fannon: I have something sweet that you could put in your mouth.

Blueberry: *anime gasp* REALLY!?

Fannon: Mhm. It's in my pants, so- *gets impaled by a fangirl's appendix*

Bred: *holding up a cross* Back yee demon from hell!

Fannon: But you kidnapped me and brought me here.

Bred: So I did-

Cross: Please put me down- *falls on his face* Thanks.

Lust: Why would you bring two of me here?

Bred: I didn't. That's just Classic after being brainwashed by the fangirls.

Lust: oH.

Fannon: TwT

Blueberry: So what-


Im baaack bishes!I dare all the Sanses to search Fontcest on any websiteEven Blueberry and Dream must see the results-Evil laughter-

Fannon: *laughs in taxes*

Dream: What's a 'Fontcest'

Ink: *glaring at Croissans_Nootmarr* How could you?

Fannon: Already got it~!

Lust: Dude, I'm not even that messed up.

Fannon: *shrugs*

Bred: I read a Fontcest fanfic once-

Classic: Why would you do that!?

Bred: I was bored!

Classic: No excuses!

Bred: iM s0rRY! It's not like you guys fu-


Fannon: Alright~! Who's ready to see it?

Blueberry and Dream: Me!

Everyone else: *praying in Italian*

Computer: *turns around 180 degrees cause it's not cool enough to do a 360*

Blueberry and Dream: ( ͡°  - ͡ °)

Dream: What the actual fudge?

Blueberry: Why are Pappy and I- oh. 0H! OH NO!!! GET THE HOLY WATER!!!

Dream: I don't... get it-

Nightmare: *looking confused*

Blueberry: They're making babies! That's incest!

Everyone: *is shooketh that Blue actually knows what's going on*

Error: How did you know-

Blueberry: The internet is a strange and mysterious place. If you travel deep enough into it, you can find interesting things to see and buy.

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