Episode 2

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Dream Come True

The next day me and Josh go to Ridgewood High so I can register to go to school there. We walk into the VIce Principal's office and a nice middle aged woman greets us.

"Hello, my name is Vice Principal Karen Rooney. And welcome to Ridgewood High." she says with a kind smile.

"Wait, ROONEY. As in Liv Rooney's mom???!!!" I ask in delight.

"Yes, but I am also the vice principal at Ridgewood High School." she says showing off her name plate.

"Oh yes, what an honor Mrs.Rooney. I am Josh Wilcox your daughter's new co-star. I play the role of Garrison in Voltage." Josh says as he shakes her hand.

"Oh, it is a pleasure. Please join me in the tour I am required to give to new students." she says motioning us to walk out of her office.

We follow her and she gives us a full tour. After the tour we go to a row of lockers. 

"Ok, Jessica this is your locker." she gave me a lock and gave Josh some papers to sign and then I got my classes.

"Jessica, I know you are really smart and you skipped 2 grades, so I am making my son Parker show you around the school when you come on Monday. Parker moved up to high school too. But he has been here for a little while for the robotics program. He as well is going to start on Monday."

Good, I won't be the only new kid. I thought in my head.

She walks away and me and Josh go back home. Josh drops me off at home and then goes to work. I go onto my laptop and I FaceGab my agent Nicky. 

"Hai Jess, how you doing honey?" she says in a sweet voice.

"I am doing good. Our house is very nice." I replied.

"Oh, I have a gig for you. You will do a pageant for the Christmas festival with Liv Rooney! I know that has always been your dream." she says with an exciting look.

"OMG, thank you Nicky!! That is my dream!!!" I say excitedly.

"Bye bye now." says Nicky and she hangs up.

I lay down on my bed and sigh. I think about my friends back in LA. I fall into a deep sleep........

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