Chapter 1

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"Alright! Lights... Camera... And Action!"
Harvey shouted as they were about to shoot the concluding part of his film, 'Love At First Sight'. The story was written by him almost about 6 years ago and the shooting had been continuing since last year. Finally, one last scene left, and the film will be released! Harvey's dream will come true!
After three hours the film was finally done! Harvey was so happy that he was almost in tears. It was his first film. It will be released after 24 days.
"Yo, where's Veronica?" Marcel the marketing guy turned and asked Leeroy, the choreographer. "I don't know. I haven't seen her since morning". Marcel just shook his head and went away in disappointment. Veronica is the assistant and Marcel has been liking her since the day he had seen her. Only Leeroy knew this as he is his best friend.

24 days later.....

'Love At First Sight' was breaking records after the release. Harvey was very happy by this achievement. It was sure that his film will win 'Movie of the year' award this year. "All credits goes to you man!" Harvey said to Jonny, the producer. "No! It goes to you Harvey! You're the one who wrote the story with such great imagination!" "But who helped me in producing it?" Both of them were busy praising each other.
On the other hand Marcel and Leeroy were fighting for the last piece of their chicken pizza. "It's mine!" "No it's mine Lee!"
"Guys! Vas happenin'?" Veronica entered the restaurant and asked them. Marcel stopped fighting. He was blushing! "H-hey V-ver-onica! Where h-have you been a-all this time?" Marcel asked Veronica. "I was sick, so I was at home. I'm fine now" she replied. Marcel was shocked, "What! Are you okay! Please tell me whether you're okat or not! You should've stayed at ho-"
"I'm fine Marcel! I'm fine! You need not worry!"
"Oh ok! I thought you were still sick"
"No I'm not"
"Oof, thank god!"
Marcel wanted to ask her out but he was too shy to do it. He was taking help from Lee to help him ask her out.

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