The Magic Room and Draco's Annoying Posse of Pricks

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Will was the first to move, slowly pushing the old, creaky door open wide enough for him to peek inside.

"Holy Hades..." Nico muttered, peering inside the room as well.

What the boys saw was unbelievable. The room was bigger than the Great Hall, and filled to the brim with almost anything you could imagine. There were banisters and tapestries lining the wall and ceiling, mixed with shelves upon shelves of books. It was easy to tell the books were mainly there to add to the aesthetic, but it was a nice touch nonetheless. In the room there was a wide, open patch of flooring covered in exotic looking carpets and blankets, and a buffet of food sitting atop a table at the far edge of the room. Every sweet you could possibly think of, and it was just sitting there, untouched and begging to be devoured. Nico was drooling at the mere sight of it.

"What is this place..?" Will wondered aloud, stepping inside and running a tan hand across the soft cloth of a plump, comfortable-looking couch; colored a dark, soothing gray, and easy on the eyes. The color felt a bit drab in comparison to the bright colors filling the rest of the space, but they felt fitting at the same time. The colorful pillows and rug tied it into the feel of the room, and it seemed comfortable, safe, and complete.

Nico sat down on the couch rather than waste his time admiring it. He sunk deep into the cushions, the couch basically absorbing his small frame. "Will, come sit. These couches are comfortable as hell." Nico said, letting himself sink further into the couch cushions, which smelled faintly of cinnamon and spice.

Will chuckled and sat down beside Nico, falling deeper into the couch than his skinny, short boyfriend. Nico gravitated towards Will's arms almost habitually, snuggling his small frame into the taller boy's like a touch-starved puppy. He mindlessly played around with Nico's hair, admiring the room more as he really drank the whole place in. The room kind of reminded him of the time he accidentally shadow traveled to Saudi Arabia and had to wait a few days before he could return home. He found the place extremely nice and comforting, and found refuge in the familiarity of the room. The Italian was too lost in his amazement of the room to notice Will moving his arms around his waist, instead opting to shut his eyes and take a moment to relax.

"Hey," Will spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence the room brought the pair. "We did want a place where we could be alone." The blonde smiled, wrapping his hand around Nico's, and raising it up to brush his lips against softly, the smile never disappearing from his face. "It's like Hogwarts wanted us to have some alone time."

"We're not telling people about this, are we?"

"Oh Hades, no," Will said, softly brushing his lips over Nico's cheek. The Italian boy blushed and nuzzled into Will's side to hide his red face.

"You're so warm," Nico mumbled out, moving even closer to Will, shutting his eyes and wrapping his arms around Will's torso, curling up beside him.

"And you're adorable," Will said, smiling down at his too cute boyfriend. At first glance, Nico didn't really seem the cuddly type, but Will knew he was actually clingy as hell, and he loves that about him.

"No I'm not," Nico muttered angrily, huffing out in annoyance.

"Yes, you are, and you can't change my mind about that, cutie," Will said, wrapping Nico's small frame up in his arms, resting his head on top of the smaller boy's. "My adorable, dark, edgy boyfriend."

"You're such an ass, Solace."

Will chuckled, "You don't mean that, sunshine."

"You know what, maybe Percy's my type after all."

"Woah, let's not be rash here!"

Nico smirked in victory, his eyes drifting towards the food, his stomach growling embarrassingly loud.

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