A Pool

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AN// I am gonna try to not make alotta Authors notes M'kay. Also, I was heavily inspired by 

I have read many fanfictions about people being reborn into an animeverse.

I never believed it was possible.

I was cleaning the pool so that the neighborhood kids could come swim with my little brother this weekend. I was whistling to myself. After I finished this I would watch some Black Butler and eat some pocky.

"Hey Y/N!" I jumped and waved my arms wildly as I lost my balance. The last thing I saw before falling in the pool was my brother's grinning face.

'Oh, he is so dead when I get out.' 

Except, I wasn't in the pool. I was staring at a grave. It was raining, and there were a bunch of high collared people standing around the grave with me. Speaking of which, I felt shorter. I look over and see an older boy, who looked absolutely devastated. He had messy raven hair that not even the rain stopped from being spiky.

For some reason, I felt grief too. Where was I? Based on the Kimono's, when was I?

"-na. Izuna?" The boy was looking right at me. Calling a name. That's not my name.

"Izuna? Are you okay?" His voice was full of concern. My name wasn't Izuna, but nonetheless I nodded mutely. The name did sound familiar though. I couldn't pace where from though.

Was this a dream? How was I able to read the Kanji engraved upon the gravestone? Fujita Uchiha. My eyes widened.

No freaking way.

I felt something click, and the boy next to me gasped. "Izuna!" He tugged on the man next to him's sleeve. "Father! Look at Izuna!" 

"Madara, what is it?" The man looked at me and his eyes widened. 

That was confirmation enough. I was in the world of Naruto. A whole hundred years before the plot.

I look down into a puddle and see my red Sharingan eyes. For some reason all I could think was,


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