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I followed Madara as stealthily as possible, jumping through the trees above rather than following via ground. The fact I could tree jump was exhilarating and I had to suppress the giggles that threatened to burst free from the pure adrenaline flying through the canopies gave me.

The trees soon stopped as there was a sparkling stream cutting through the forest. I almost fell out of the tree I was perched in when I heard the shout of someone other than Madara.

"Hey! Madara!"

"Hey Hashirama!"

I peeked to see a boy with a bowl cut hop across the stream and land in front of Madara, grinning widely. I listened to the two talk and the murmur of voices made me feel relaxed. I felt my eyes grow heavy. I had stayed up late marveling at the fact I was an Uchiha who was male canon but for some reason now female.

My eyes flash open as I fall. I was around fifteen feet up, it would hurt if I landed wrong. But the ground was right there. I gasp as I am caught and look up to see snowy white hair and cold red eyes. 

Tobirama was on a mission. Follow his older brother and find out where he kept slipping off too. He never would have thought he was meeting up with someone who looked so much like an Uchiha. The white-haired Senju watched the friendship between the two. He heard a rustle nearby and turned expecting to have to defend from an attack, only to see a girl slipping off of a branch a few meters of the ground. Without thinking he wrapped his arms around her waist, using chakra to stick to the underside of the branch.

He looked at her. She was very pretty, and he wondered what she was doing in a tree. He adjusted his grip on her ad dropped, landing squarely on the ground and placing her down.

I shook my head and brushed myself off, inwardly screeching. This was the Tobirama Senju! The total badass of a Hokage! Of course he was only eight, probably, but he was just as cute as the poster on my wall! I turn to him and bow.

"Thank you T-sir! I shouldn't have gotten so relaxed...."

Tobirama merely shifted. He didn't know how to talk to females. He'd seen his brother get beaten from saying perfectly honest and normal things. He cleared his throat. "Your welcome. If I may, why are you here in the forest?"

I shifted. I couldn't tell him that Madara was my brother and that I was following him. "I hate being kept inside, so I often come to the forest to get away from everything. It's nice out here."

I glanced through the trees and saw Madara bidding Hashirama goodbye and both splitting for the trees. I was yanked behind a tree with a hand over my mouth. Madara blew by, not even sensing us. When he was gone I removed the hand from my face, ignoring the fact that the skin was really fair and smooth and I was not thinking about holding it and sunsets and-

Yeah. I walk away from the body I was pressed against and turned to face the Senju. 

Tobirama stood stock still. He hadn't known what had come over him. He had just grabbed a girl! He expected anger. but was met with an angelic smile. He felt something in his chest flutter and he felt a slight heat grow n his face. He narrowed his eyes. This new feeling was bothersome.

I watched those gorgeous red eyes narrow as the white-haired hot- cutie got lost in thought. I poked his forehead, giggling when his hand caught mine instinctually. He stared at me. I just smiled. He coughed and let go, averting his gaze. He was so cute! I chuckle and bow playfully.

"I apologize sir, but I must get going. I hope we may meet again." I turn to head home, resigning myself to travelling on the ground until I was a safe distance away.

"Wait." I raise an eyebrow and turn back. Tobirama looked a bit, dare I so much as think shy.

"Yes?" He even shifted shyly. 

"What's your name?" I couldn't tell him I was Izuna. Soooooo.

"Y/N. You can call me Y/N."

And I ran.

The next two weeks were intense. Father insisted upon me getting the best training so I could protect myself. Madara's hair was getting longer as was mine. Madara's was still spiky though, mine straightened out as it grew, the only exception being the damn ducks' ass that seemed to not want to grow flat.

It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I had avoided telling Father and kept the people he sent after Madara away from the meetup place. I haven't run into Tobirama since the first time. A small fangirlish part of me was planning intricate ways to accidentally run into him again.

I did have a lot of time to think though. Izuna from canon was a boy, yet here I am, a female. Would this affect the timeline or something?


Sorry Naruto, but I'm the main character now. My pride would simply crumble if I remained a background character.

Oh wait, Naruto isn't even born for another hundred years. I guess he will be the main character of his time. I guess I just have to take Madara and Hashirama's fame. I wasn't gonna die a background character.

That settled I headed off to training. I wouldn't want to get shanked by a member of a shaky alliance now, would I?

//Any and all fun that may be poked in terms of reference to other fanfics are not meant in spite and are my horrid attempts at humor// nya~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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