By Your Side

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Guys, we reached 10K blblblbl you all don't know how grateful I am ! Thanks for reading this shitty story since the beginning.
Yoongi's point of view

After my small talk with Dad, I drove to their mansion, hoping Mom didn't go shopping or other activities with her friends.

I park my car, right in front of the house, not trying to hide myself at all. After directly walking to the living room. Arrived at the end of the corridor, I opened the big doors, looking inside.

"Oh Yoongi ! What are you doing here ?!!" My Mom called me as she walks on my way. "Why ? I can't pay a visit ?" I cheekily smiled.

"She's not here so you can relax son." I nodded before sitting with her on the couch. "Mom there's something I want to do..." And I explained my idea to her, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "Yeah it's maybe time, for all of this to end. Don't you agree Mom ?"

Time skip...

It was already the evening when I came back home, even though Mom told me to stay, I can't disobey to Dad for the moment. As I step inside, I was welcomed by the maid and the butler.

They raised me since I was born, back in the U.S. until now. The three of us were the only ones to live in this big mansion. I often felt lonely, not having parents with me but, I think that's also what built the actual me.

After eating dinner, I received Mom's text. Good news, Dad agreed thanks to Mom. 'The time has come !' She just added that I can move there in two days.


They agreed I will
do it in 2 days

Good Luck !


Y/N's point of view

I wonder why Yoongi hasn't talked to her about it... I mean it's something quite important...

I laid on my bed, thinking about the discussion we had that day.


"Then do you like her ?" Yoongi asked me at the top of the rooftop of the school's building. Again. The same question again. But why can't I reply with the same confidence as earlier ? 

I tried to stare blankly at him, but with the time I was taking to answer, Yoongi talked. "I'm  gonna assume you do..." I sigh, feeling I can't hide it longer since I was blushing at his words.

My face dropped towards the ground, eating without saying anything. "I see... Let me be honest with you..." I looked back at him, still eating.

"I spread the rumor, to watch this happening. I'm happy you fell into the trap hahaha ! I just hope you can trust yourself now. But I will be watching you, don't think I'm supporting you first."


To be honest, I don't think I'm confident enough to confess to her, but I know how I feel. I just have to check if these feelings are real...

I can't help but to think 'How about the old me ? Did I even liked her ?' No answer, as always. I should only concentrate on the present right..?


Nayeon's point of view

Mom suddenly called me to come back home as I was hanging out with Momo and Mina at their house. 'I wonder what got her...'

Basically, she would never call me especially when I'm with my friends. Even when I get home, I would straightly go to my room without her saying anything.

I went to the living room, followed by employees who opened to the door for me. 

The guy who I expected the less came into my house.

I pointed towards him, expressing my surprise and maybe my distastefulness a bit too much.

"Come sit here, we have some things you need to hear." Dad calmly said with his arms crossed.

Mom started. "We are sorry that we didn't tell you earlier but.."  Dad continued. "This person here has a very tight relation with you and us."

I'm scared of what they are going to say that I cutter them. "Wait don't tell me he..."

"Is the one who's gonna marry you yeah." Yoongi casually said.
"WAIT WHAT !???"

I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Just kidding haha, let Mom and Dad explain."

"Okay... Wait what they are MY Mom and MY Dad though ???"

"Aww... How much spoiled are you ??"

I sighed at his words, almost forgetting the presence of Mom and Dad. "I already hate you."

With a joking tone, Yoongi replies me back. "I love you too, sis."

And just like that, we spent the whole night, talking about the lost brother I just discovered.

To be honest, I don't hate him that much, he seems to be someone relatable.  As we talked, I discovered that he used to live in the US until 12, the moment when he came here.

The most important is that he's 2 years older than me !!! I mean, it's because overseas, so he needed to learn the language of our country. And at the same time, his last name changed, from Im to Min. I still wonder why they hid this to me for such a long time.

I wonder if Mina knows this as well...


Author's point of view

Yoongi was relieved that Nayeon wasn't too mad at their parents. After all, the late information might create hate and awkwardness in their family, but thank god it didn't.

Nayeon accepted the fact that she wasn't an only child anymore and someone new is going to live in the same house as her starting from now.

On the other hand, Yoongi is pretty happy to move as he will be able to grow closer to his sister, the one he kept supporting since he came in this country.

That's also when he started to wonder why Y/N already confessed to his sister back at the beginning of the year. It was obvious they both liked each other. But why trying to distance himself away ?

Besides all his old questions, since it's almost holidays, the smart guy thought of an idea. Going on a trip with their group of friends during this spring break, and maybe... Something will happen there who knows ?
Short update, sorry for the wait!
Love you all <3

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