ROLLER COASTER - prompt obstruct

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I pride myself on being the only person in the world to have ridden every roller coaster, so when I hear of an experimental super ride being created in Japan, I volunteer to be a test rider. With all my experience I'm accepted immediately, and high-speed train tickets arrive the next day.

The office is impressive with glass walls and views across the city, but I read the contract quickly, including the small print and the large sum of money they'll pay me. I sign away any liability for injury. All I want to do is ride.

I grin and settle into the one-person carriage. The seat moulds around my back, a harness snaps tight across my chest, and another clamps around my thighs. My arms are free to stretch high for maximum effect. I grin. This is super tech.

The roller coaster is situated in a wooded valley and all I can see is the first curve. A green light flashes a countdown and I swear a rocket launches me along the track, throwing me around the first bend so fast gravity stretches the skin on my face.

'Wooooooo!' I scream, but I'm not scared. Not Ever.

The track plunges through a tunnel and into a tight corkscrew before swooping and twisting and looping through and around the trees. I don't know which way is up until the carriage slows to climb a steep slope. Snow-capped mountains range in the distance and a winding silver river sparkles far below to my left.

I see the top of the ascent approaching and I smile. Approaching the top of a climb is the closest to scared I ever feel. I crave it like a drug.

I try to count the loops below me, and my brain is screaming 'DANGER,' but I laugh, whoop and shout.

My throat is raw by the time the track levels out, sweat soaks my shirt. I'm buzzed. So buzzed I reckon I could power a city. This is awesome.

The track banks left, then right, twisting and turning. I think the ride is almost over and I pout.

A red-light flashes on the front of the carriage.

'Use the manual brake immediately.' A voice shouts. 'Obstruction on the track.'

'What the?' I reach forward and grab the only lever in sight and hope it's the brake. Nothing happens.

'Use the brake.' The voice screams.

I pull harder, but the carriage speeds up and the track banks again.

Another carriage, stationary on the track. A girl twists her head to look at me. Her face full of terror, her eyes wide with fear.

Adrenaline surges through me. Every nerve tingles. My muscles tense for impact. My heart is in overdrive. I squeeze my eyes shut. I don't want to see the end. How ironic the first time I feel real fear is my last moment of life.

'You killed me.' I shout then laugh. With shaking hands I unbuckle the harness and rip off the VR headset. 

ROLLER COASTER - prompt obstructWhere stories live. Discover now