Say Yes

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⭐Invincible era

FAITH, you and Michael's twenty-one year old daughter, had been dating a man by the name of Nasri for three years. Nasri was twenty-three years old and apart of a band. Well, a forming band called, Magic!. The first time you and Michael had met him, Nasri was a very laidback and chill type of guy. He seemed to go with the flow.. To save your breath, Faith was the complete opposite of Nasri and Michael hated that.

Faith on the other hand was completely obsessed with Nasri. When she first met Nasri, she called you that night and told you all about it. She was in love with him and you couldn't wait until they tied the knot.

Michael, however, was a whole different story.

(Nasri's POV)

I ramble through my closet, trying to find my other dress shoe. I roll my eyes, running a hand through my brown hair. I spot my favorite pair of black converse and I sigh happily, grabbing them. I quickly put on the shoes and lace them up, looking at myself in the mirror. My best suit paired with my favorite pair of shoes.

“Lookin' good, man,” I wink at myself before grabbing my keys and bolting out of the bedroom. I make my way down the hallway, smelling bacon.

I smile walking into the kitchen seeing Faith cooking breakfast. I guess she feels my presence because she turns around, smiling from ear to ear. “Mornin' Poohbear! Care for some bacon?” She says in her soft voice, making me all the more nervous.

She sounds just like her dad..

I smile walking over to her, “Um, maybe after I get back home? I ah... Have some business to take care of. Ahm, I'll be back as soon as I can,” I say kissing her forehead softly, “I love you beautiful.” I say before walking out of the front door of our penthouse.

I walk over to my blue Range Rover quickly getting into the driver seat. I practically go 50 in a 20 trying to get to Neverland. I'm so nervous about this, I hope he gives me his blessing. I really love Faith with my entire heart.


As soon as I make my way through the front gates, it's like my heart starts to beat out of control. I say a little prayer as I make my way to the front doors. I knock twice and wait a little before Faith's younger brother, Khalid, opens the door with a wide smile.

“Hey, man. What ya over here for?” He asks giving me a bro hug, letting me in.

I smile a little, “To ask your da—”

“—HEEEY NASRII!” Blanket yells running in with Paris and Starr behind him. I smile, waving a little, watching as he runs off.

“You were saying?” Khalid says, adverting his attention to me. I began to sweat again..

“I came to ask your dad a question,”

He nods, “Follow me. He's in his office.”

We walk for what seems like ten minutes to the main house. On the way there we make small talk about different things.

“Aye, are you and Faith coming to the family picnic tomorrow?” He asks as we enter the house.

“I'm sure she made plans. I'll check with her about it though.” I reply, walking up the stairs towards his office door.

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