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A/N. Uh oh friends. I'm losing interest in this story! Mainly the only reason it's still going is cause this story has 6k views (thank you btw) and I love all of you and dont want to dissapoint you. I wont end it early or anything cause I love you guys but for real, after this story is over you should check out my other story, I changed the name to "Happy for You". I promise it's really good and I actually have a whole plot already lined out for this and I love writing it. If anything it's probably better than this story soooooo. Yeah. Also, I totally forgot to talk about the "hooded figure" in the last chapter sorry!! oh! btw! im ma just remind yall that i give all credit to the origonal artists of all pictures i use :)

  Katsuki had awaken early so he went down to the kitchen and began making breakfast. He decided to make chocolate chip pancakes and bacon incase you were wandering. He had music playing through his ear buds and was swaying his hips to it as he cooked. Izuku and Shoto walked down stairs and both of them stopped for a second and watched Katsuki. They were both in awe at how hot Katsuki was.

  Katsuki stopped dancing when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waste and a head lay on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Shoto and smiled softly.

  "Smells good, what're you cooking baby?" Shoto whispered, a little to close to Katsuki's ear. Katsuki blushed and responded with.

  "Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon..." as he said this he almost instinctively melted into Shoto's arms, his head and hips leaning back the most.

  "You know you're really cute right?"

  (Ahhhhh as I'm writing this I keep reading it in a southern accent so Shoto puts off really fucking rapey vibes and I want to kill myself😂)

  "Yeah, I know!" Katsuki responded in a bratty tone.

  "Especially when you're dancing~" shoto whispered seductively. Katsuki accedently whimpered a bit and Shoto smirked. He turned the smaller boy around and lifted him up onto the counter. They both slammed their lips together and began making out. Izuku entered and smirked as well. He walked up to the two lovebirds.

  "Dont forget about meeee!" He said in whiney voice. Shoto looked over and laughed.

  "Fuck, I have to deal with TWO brat bottoms now? I didnt sign up for this!"

  Izuku laughed.

  "Maybe you should have read the whole contract before signing!"

  "Hmmm. I guess you're right. I made my bed now I gotta sleep in it~"

  Izuku jumped up and strattled Katsuki and began making out with him while Shoto left hickies along his neck and hugged him from behind. Shoto was about to slip his hand into Izuku's wasteband when Mina walked in.

  "Hey guys I was- oh! Gross. Umm ok jesus. Get a fucking room!"

  Katsuki and Shoto both blushed a deep shade of red, Izuku didn't though cause he's a freaky ass bitch. Mina left and Izuku rolled his eyes.

  Katsuki got back to cooking and the other boys sat at the table and waited for food.

                                                                                                (Back with the traitors)

  "Ooh sound interesting!"

  "We'll talk about that later."

  The three masked figures walked into another room and began taking off their masks. Toga, Shigaraki, overhaul, and...

  "I'm not taking off my mask..."

  "okkkk? so whats the plan?!" Toga asked a little too excited.

  "Shigy?" overhaul looked over at handyman

  "ok so first things first we need to work out the basics. I finally get to defeat Deku and his stupid little followers aswell as getting back at Dabi and Mysteryboy over here gets his man."

  Toga and Overhaul glanced at eachother "what do we get?"

  "Basically whatever you want. power? blood? a new toy?"

  Overhaul nodded and smirked while toga got this psychotic look and started jumping up and down. "Shigy's gonna get me a new toyyyyyyy!" She screached.

  "Is she always like this?"

  "sadly yes"

  The four continued making their plan and said their goodbyes. Our little traitor plugged in his earbuds and walked back to the base. (he's listening to the song at the top).


  A/N. I'm sorry it was such a short chapter :( I really wish I could do more but if you guys wanted a chapter anytime soon then it was going to be short. I have alot going on right now... yes, I am under quarentine and therefore cant do anything but I still feel like im really busy. I've been so stressed lately, ugh. I haven't really been able to sleep for the past week and I have been having a ton of anxiety attacks. I have so much homwork and I want to dieeeeee. tbh though I'm actually enjoying nt seeing my "friends". I've been happier in that sense. I've barely talked to anyone from school since it was shut down (besides upperclassmen from theater cuz they cool) and I REALLY don't miss the drama. One of my "friends" tried to text me and start drama but I shut her sown cause I don't want to deal with that y'know. One thing though... remember that friend from my 1k face reveal that I said I dated for a while but we were still bestfriends? yeah well I've started to kind of hate her. I'm just upset because I've put SO much effort into our friendhip to try and make it work, I've gone through so much pain. And now that I don't see her everyday I've had time to reflect and see how she has never actually given a flying fuck. SHE NEVER EVEN WANTED TO BE MY FRIEND!!!! it was so obvious... but yet I tried for THREE YEARS. so in conclusion, I have no friends and I really need some. anyone wanna be penpals/ibfs? I hate most people at my school so it'd be nice... please?


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