i have this deep longing to be famous.
to be known.
and i know it probably won't happen.
because the only people who get famous
are the one's who aren't from a large family
that lives in a small house
in the middle of a row of small houses
near the city.
the people who get famous are the one's who grew up in the spotlight,
so they already know how to act
when all eyes are on them.
i don't think i want to get famous because i can sing,
i think i want to get famous
because all the attention in my house goes to my brother,
who doesn't want to come home from college,
to my sister, who's funny and outgoing and has a big smile,
to my younger brother, who is somehow always sick,
and to my other older brother, who is so smart, he could get into any school he wants,
and not have to try.
so where does that leave me?
the average middle child with no ambition, no personality, and no hope?
maybe i want to get famous because i want attention from someone.
even if it's from people who only see me on the other side of a silver screen.

waiting for sunrise
PoetryThese are some of the poems I've written. Some of these poems might be triggers. i write these poems to express what i'm feeling. thank you for reading. if you're reading this, i love you <3