Part 1

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"No no no no no! Stay with me buddy! Stay with me!"

Dean lifted up his bleeding little brother into his arms and held him tightly. He didn't know what else to do.

"D-Dean, I-I..."

Sam let in a sharp breath as he moved, trying to hug his older brother. Dean slowly and carefully placed Sam back down on the ground and hastily ripped off his jacket.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's only a small stab wound right? You've had many of those before, it's not anything that you can't handle, right?"

Dean lifted up Sam's many shirts and his breath hitched.

The stab wound went all the way through his abdomen, and Dean could see the ground through the wound. Sam's stomach acid was spilling out and mixing with the heavy blood flow.

Who would've thought that a vampire nest would have caused so much trouble? Dean couldn't quite understand why this hunt wasn't successful. The both of them have destroyed multiple vampire nests in the past, so why was this one so different?

With tears in his eyes, Dean placed his bunched up jacket on his stomach and pressed down, hard, earning a slight wince from the weak brother beneath him.

"See? It's not so bad. I'm sure you'll recover in no time."

No matter how much he tried to reassure himself, he couldn't stop getting a sinking feeling in his gut and his brain telling him the exact opposite of the words he said.

Sam had a steady flow of tears coming out of his already hazy eyes. The life was slowly depleting from them.


Dean couldn't look him in the eyes anymore. It hurt him to much to see his baby brother like this.

"Dean...Dean look at m-me."

Dean's gaze shifted over to meet his eyes. His facial expression dropping even more. He aggressively wiped his tears from his face so Sammy wouldn't see him like this, but he couldn't stop crying.

"Dean I- I love y-you."

Dean's arms began to feel heavy and his grip began to slip on the blood soaked jacket.

"N-no, no don't you say that! You're going to make it out of this, you're going to be okay!"

"Dean, it's o-okay, you need to let m-me go."

"No Sam! I'm not giving up on you!"

Sam's expression was so heartbreaking.

It was devoid of all hope, and his lip was quivering.

Blood started to seep out of his mouth as he started to cough uncontrollably. Dean carefully rolled him to his side where Sam proceeded to cough up about a pint of blood.

He rolled Sam back over to see a pale face and heavy eyelids.

Dean could feel his muscles start to relax knowing that he can't save his little brother, not this time.

"You're a hero Sam."


"All of the sacrifices you've made for this world, you've not only saved it many times, but you've saved me Sam. You never gave up on me, even when I wasn't worth fighting for. You're also a better person than me. You always came around when we were having a fight. You were always there for both Cas and me whenever me and him got into an argument. You were always supportive of Jack even when I was saying he was evil. You're a hero to the world. You're a hero to Cas. You're a hero to Jack."

"You're a hero to me."

Sam gave out a breathy chuckle.

"Y-you can't win every f-fight."

His body started to tense and shake as his body convulsed.

"Woah, easy tiger."

It stopped as soon as it started and he started to relax.

And his body relaxed more.

And his body was relaxing too much.

Panic started to rise in Dean as he realized Sam's eyes were dropping even more and his breathing became even more sporadic.

He scooped up his little brother for the last time as he realized this was his end.

"Sammy! Please don't leave me!"

Sam tried to respond but his body was failing him.

"Sammy, please! I need you! I can't live without you!"

At this point he was rocking back and forth, holding the almost lifeless body that belongs to his younger brother. He might have been squeezing a little too tight, and Sam couldn't breath very well. He couldn't tell if it was from Dean's grip or from his body shutting down.

"Sammy! Hey, hey! Keep your eyes open! Look at me!"

Dean tried his very best to keep Sam from slipping away from him, but he didn't have any clue what to do next if Sam did stay with him.

Dean brought his body closer and Sam began to spew more blood out of his mouth and his abdomen.

Sam weakly tried to hug him back and all he managed to do was to place his right arm over Dean's shoulder.

"It's okay Sammy, it's all going to be okay. Just breathe easy now. Just breathe easy."

Sam tried to stabilize his sporadic breathing from Dean's whispers, but that made it worse.

Soon Sam's breathing became a lot shorter and narrower with longer gaps between. Dean hugged Sam tighter as the only thing he could do was cling on to him.

"I love you Sammy."

That was the last thing Dean said to him before Sam's body fully relaxed and his body became limp. He let out his final breath into Dean's ear and he couldn't take it anymore.

He held onto his lifeless brother's body almost inhumanly tight while loud sobs erupted from his throat and into the starry night sky.

"Sam! No! No come back! Please come back!"

His baby brother was gone and he knew it was for the last time. There was no possible way that he could get him back now.

Dean continued to rock back and forth with Sam's body in his arms while crying loudly until daylight broke.

At this point, Sam's body was cold and was starting to become stiff.

Dean stood up from Sam's dried blood on the ground and started to carry him the long distance to the impala.

But what Dean didn't see was the figure that stood next to him trying to get his attention.

"I love you too, Dean."

Why can't you hear me? Ghost!Sam AU Where stories live. Discover now