Part 2

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Sam's POV:

I was sitting at the table in the bunker with Dean sitting next to me with his head down, surrounded by multiple beers, Cas pacing back and forth on the other side of the table, and Jack was sitting in the corner of the room just, staring, most likely zoning out.

Dean's head lifted from the table.

He sniffed and could barely get the angry yet hurt words out.

"Where were you guys?! You could've saved him! You could've saved him."

"Dean, don't yell at them. They didn't know, and they didn't do anything wrong."

I still don't know why I bother trying to talk to them. I've already tried to get their attention, but they just can't see or hear me.

I guess I really am a ghost huh?

"I've already told you, Jack and I were on a hunt of our own because Sam thought that it was a good idea for the two of you to finally have a hunt together, just the two of you because all of this with Chuck is really throwing us off."

"Yeah and how did that turn out? Did that end well for him? Did that end well for me? Did that end well well for the two of you?"

"Wow Dean, you making it sound like I had a bad idea and that it's kinda my fault. Haha yeah it kinda is."

Maybe that fact that I talk back to them is a coping mechanism for the fact that I'm dead and it makes me feel that I still have a grip on things even though I know that all ghosts go crazy at some point.

Cas was absolutely livid and the two of them started to scream at each other.

I couldn't stand to see them acting this way towards each other so I hastily pulled my chair out to stand up, causing Dean to glance at it but still focusing on Cas.

Wait, wait he saw that?!

I tried to place my hand on the chair once again, but my hand went straight through it.


I'll get their attention one day, just hopefully it's soon before I go completely mad.

During the midst of all of this chaos that the two of them are causing, I walked over to Jack, still sitting in the corner not paying any attention to anything. He's definitely in his own world, and I'm glad. He would be even more crushed to see them fighting like this right in from of him.

I crouched down beside him and tried to put my hand on his back, knowing that it would go straight through him as well, and I was right.

He shuttered at the feeling of my hand going through him, but he was too deep in his head that he paid no attention to it.


Why do I even bother? No one is going to respond.

"Jack can you hear me?"

He blinked a few times before snapping off of his trance like state and looking up at Cas and Dean, still yelling at each other.

He stood up, going through me slightly.

"Jack please, please hear me."

He walked right out of the room without even looking in my direction.

Granted, that's what I expected, why look at something that you can't see, hear, or touch?

I walked into the other room to where my body laid.

It was already wrapped up and ready for a hunter's funeral.

That's a nice thought but, it's hard to believe that it's actually the end for me.

Once my body is gone, I won't be able to come back, at least not in the same way.

The screams suddenly stopped and were replaced with pleas.

"Please Billie, you've got to be able to do something!"

I walked back into the room with the odd couple and a face I didn't expect to see.

Billie stood there in between the two of them.

"I'm sorry boys, but there's nothing I can do."

She turned her head toward me and flashed a small knowing smile toward my direction.

For the first time since I've died again, I've made eye contact with someone.

"Can you see me?"

She gave a small nod and then turned her direction back to the other two.

"I just came here to tell you guys to not do whatever stupid thing you're planning on doing just to bring him back. Chuck is still out there and I have a feeling that you're going to try to use Jack's powers to try to bring him back. That's a very bad idea. You guys have used his power quite enough and for the last time, if he sees you,"

There was a dramatic pause because it's Billie.

"Then it's over, for all of you."

She looked right at me and gave a slight smirk.

"Well, not all of you."

"Wait, wh-"

Billie disappeared before Dean could get another word out, but she wasn't gone for long.

"Hello Sam. I haven't seen you since you passed. How are things for you being dead? Is it like how you last remembered?"

I turned around to face her once again.

I'm assuming from the other's obliviousness, they can't see or hear her either, meaning she's in the ghost realm.

"Billie, why am I still here?"

"The same reason why ghosts are here in the first place. You have unfinished business here, and I can't let you go to heaven until you finish your business, or you go out the old fashioned Winchester way."

She gave a little bit of sarcasm on the the last phrase and peered into the room with my body.

"And from the looks of it, the old fashioned Winchester way might be coming for you a lot sooner than for most ghosts."

She's right. Once my body is burned, my souls should be released and I can go to the heaven Dean and I were promised.

"It's a shame I can't bring you back Sam. They really need you to take down God, and I'd much rather see him fall than see your little team. I would bring you back if I could, but that's playing with life and death and that's not something to you around with."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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Why can't you hear me? Ghost!Sam AU Where stories live. Discover now