『chαptєr σnє』

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Annabelle's POV

I'm awake with the sun.

I sat at my desk, watching the sun rise over the small hill residing behind the Burrow. Six makeshift hoops were set on the hill, three on either side. That was the Weasley Quidditch field. Fred, George and I spent the most time out there, practicing during the summer months. (Harry was out there a lot too, whenever he came over.)

I looked down at the small briefcase sitting at my feet. I had enchanted it heavily so it could fit everything I needed for the Cup.

The Quidditch World Cup, that is.

I was finally going to get to attend.

-Flashback, two weeks earlier-

"Mail's here!" Mum announced loudly as Errol swooped into the house, miraculously managing to avoid crashing into the kitchen window.

Dad took the mail from his talons and rummaged through it as I looked up from my play book, where I had been designing some new tactics for the season.

He opened a letter and read it, his jaw dropping in shock.


I closed my book and set it down, rushing over to him.

My triplet brothers, Fred and George, were the next into the kitchen. "We didn't do it!" They shouted in unison.

Dad looked at them. "What? No, no one's in trouble," he said as the rest of my siblings entered the room.

"Kids? We're going to the Quidditch World Cup!"

Charlie and I instantly started screaming. Fred and George were pestering Dad with all sorts of questions. Ron and Ginny were in shock, Bill was smiling, and Percy-

"Quidditch? Seriously?"

-Present Day-

I only had a few last-minute tasks to perform before we left. I went over to the corner of the room, and, checking to make sure Fred and George were still asleep, kicked up one of the floorboards. Inside was a jar, filled with an assortment of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. I had saved this money for ages, in the off chance I ever got to go to the World Cup. I quickly poured the money into another enchanted bag. This one was a much smaller velvet pouch.

Once the jar was empty, I set it back in the space underneath the floor and replaced the board. I set the bag down on my desk, on top of my book, and opened my closet. Inside, among my numerous school robes, hung my Ravenclaw Quidditch uniform. I grabbed the robe and slid it on over my clothes. My reflection in the mirror smiled back at me. I spun around to get a clear view of the bronze, metallic letters splashed across the back: WEASLEY-HOUSE CAPTAIN .

I grabbed my wand off the desk. "Cortatiempo," I murmured. Sparkly dust flew out the tip and formed 5:23 AM.

"Oh my gosh!" I shrieked. I ran across to the room, where my brothers were still snoring away. "Fred! George! Wake up!" I grabbed the pillow off my bunk and proceeded to clobber Fred with it, who, unfortunately for him, slept in the bottom bunk.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Anna, it's too early! Go back to sleep!" Fred groaned.

"Too early?! Fred, the Portkey leaves in half an hour! " I continued to beat him with the pillow.

"What?!" Fred pushed me away and jumped out of bed. "You're kidding!"

"No!" I climbed the ladder to George's bunk. "George, get up! We're going to be late for the Cup!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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