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I felt the thump under my bed again tonight

Just a few minutes ago actually

I never really had that belief of monsters under my bed or in my closet

It's like

Something or someone hit their head on accident

I can't figure out what it is though

Could just be one of my cats

But none of them are in my room right now

Could just be someone shutting the door downstairs

But its currently 1 am and everyone is sleeping

Doesn't really matter I'm not too worried about it

I never really have been

It's not the first time this has happened

Probably won't be the last either


It's about an hour later

Not even

I felt the thump again

It's becoming more frequent

Almost like whatever it is knows I've started writing about it

I'm starting to wonder more about it

still not scared though

should I look?

I've looked before but nothing was there

i remember just being disappointed

Maybe I waited too long

if it happens again I'll look


it happened again

I looked pretty much right after I heard it

I didn't really see much

but i heard it

the thump

I saw the underneath of the bed

just kinda shook

but nothing was there

or I guess it was something

it couldn't be nothing

a ghost? 

honestly doesn't sound that interesting to have a ghost under my bed just hitting the top of it a few times every night

I hope it's more than that

not too much more though


just woke up 

it's about 2:30am

I heard some sounds outside

I thought it might have been a dog barking

it went from barking to more of a screech

screeching and just a lot of noise 

kinda freaked me out so I closed my window

I messaged some friends and they said it could have just been a dog barking at something

of course, it was just a dog

nothing ever happens here


no noise outside tonight

the thumps are back though

guess whatever it was needing a little night out

don't blame it

well I guess it's just something I gotta live with

this is the last time I'll write about it

I've pretty much been writing about the same things each night

maybe if something interesting happens I'll write again

so lame


god it's so annoying

I can't sleep because of this thing

every time I fall asleep it shakes me back awake 

I'm so sick of this

I want it GONE

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