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You are a woman made by God to be loved and to be taken care of. God made you thinking of a man worthy of His daughter's life. And that man will never physically hurt you nor emotionally abuse you. He will never manipulate you just so he can get what he wanted from you. He is the man who will never do something to cause mental stress to you.

So if you are in a relationship right now and you're having the things you don't deserve, that means he isn't the man God sent you. LET HIM GO. He doesn't deserve an amazing woman like you.

And for those who haven't found their God-given man yet, that's okay. This isn't a competition anyway. Sometimes, God knows it's not the best time yet for you to have him. Why? Maybe it's your season of finding yourself first, loving yourself and doing the things you really love. Maybe you should finish that post graduate degree first, or get that dream job or travel where you've never been.

Don't rush. Things will fall into place when your heart is ready for the things you deserve the most.



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