The kids

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Jonathan pulled up to his Home the kids had got back from the arcade
Jonathan opened the door to see his mom and hop asleep on the sofa again will and el went to bed straight away as they were so tired .
Jonathan stood there admiring the smile on his moms face he was so happy that she was happy for once in a while she was happy wich made Jonathan complete , he had always known that hopper was the one hell he was an amazing father figure way better than lonnie ,Jonathan went over to his mum giving her a kiss on the forehead and went to his room
"Hey kid"hopper said
"Oh- I'm sorry did I wake you"Jonathan stuttered
"No don't worry about it kiddo"hopper said smiling while running a hand through Joyce's hair
"Is everyone ok" hop questiond
"Yeah the other are asleep" he whispered
"C'mere" hop said
Jonathan slowly walked towards him
Hop just imeadiately pulled him in for a hug
Jonathan felt somewhat relieved and he hugged the man back

"Your such a great kid and I'm so glad your here i could not do it without you I'm sorry about your dad and I promise I won't be like him okay"hop whispered
"Okay"Jonathan replied
"Goodnight Jon"
"Goodnight dad"Jonathan said walking to his room without even realising what he said

Alls hopper could do was smile he slightly moved up and down on the sofa
"Yes,yes" he whispered punching the air

Joyce started to stir she opened her eyes to a very excited hop
"Woah chill out what's the matter" she giggled gazing at the man before her
"Oh I'm sorry darling"hop said realising he had woke her up
"What is so exciting you had to wake me up hey" she teased
Hop cleared his throat
And bent down and whispered in her ear
"Jon just called me dad" he said playing with. Her hair again
Hopper  hot breath sent shivers down her spine
Joyce was amazed she was so happy they were all getting along
"That's amazing I'm so glad to hear it" she whispered back in his ear and then kissed just underneath it
Hop lifted her chin up giving her a small kiss to the lips .

At the same time el walked out her room she desperately needed a glass of water her throat was itchy ,but then she saw Joyce and hopper and jumped around in circles altough it was obvious they liked each other they hadn't officially told the kids but they sorta already knew
"Busted!"el exclamied
They both turned around in shock
"What are you doing up young lady"hop said sternly
"Water"she pointed at her throat
"Ok ok goodnight" hop whispered
"Goodnight dad Goodnight mom"she said siping the water and returning to her room

"Did she just" Joyce stuttered
Hop just smiled and kissed her again
"We're all one big family finally" he said smiling
Joyce smiled and kisssd him back
"Cmon lets go to bed" hop said picking her up she was so small in his large frame
"Stop"Joyce giggles flailing her arms and scrunching her nose
Hop placed her on the bed and he climbed in next to her
"Goodnight baby"he said kissing her
"Goodnight chief" she said snuggling up to him
The next morning
They all sat at the table eating there breakfast hop had placed his hand Joyce's ,he could see she was a bit nervous they had both agreed today that they would officially tell the kids

"Kids me and your mom want to talk to you about something"
The kids all nodded
"We um it may be obvious but for a while now Um me and um hop have been together"Joyce trembled
"Yeah and"they all said
"Well we thought we would officially tell you"hopper said
"It's was kind of obvious"will stated
Joyce just looked at him and ruffled his hair
"So is Joyce my mum now !" El asked eagerly
"Well I suppose if that ok with you"hop replied
"Yassss omg yasss" el screamed
"Is hop our dad!"will then questioned
"If you want sweetie" Joyce smiled at her sons
Hop looked at Jonathan
"Is that ok with you Jon"
"Of course!"he replied grinning
Joyce could see he really was happy
They were finally all one big family

"I have a question"Jonathan said shakily
Hopper placed his hand on his shoulder
"Hey kid it's ok go ahead"
"Well actually it's um about me and Nancy"he said
"Honey what wrong"Joyce said worried
"I know it's early very early but I really love Nancy and I was wondering um about um ...proposing"Jonathan sighed
"It's a stupid idea I know"he whispered
"Hey hey listen here Jon if you really love this girl go for it if you certain this is what you want to do DONT hesitate I lost your mom once and I don't plan on doing it again"hopper said
Joyce smiled at hop and kissed him
"Jonathan I can see nancy loves you too go for it"Joyce said to him
"Thanks mom thanks dad I really appreciate it"he smiled back

An: sorry for not updating in a while I plan on doing it more often hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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