Chapter 1

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Moonlight floods the dark house. All the occupants are asleep except one. Nora West - Allen, lays on her phone, talking to someone. "No, my mom and dad are asleep." Nora huffs and smiles. "Just checking. I know how they get when you talk to me." A female voice answers. "It's totally unfair. I don't get why they think I'm too young for a relationship." The voice laughs.

"Ravenna, I think they find you to be a bad influence." Nora snorts. She loved talking to Ravenna. They had been dating for a year. Ravenna had metahuman powers that could control water. It had taken Ravenna a long time to trust her with the knowledge of her powers. Nora hears a sigh through the phone. "Your parents don't have powers do they?" The question was an innocent one but it caused her the once dulled anger to rise again.

Iris had learned of her dad's secret identity only a few months ago in an overheard conversation that aunt Caitlin and uncle Cisco were having. It had taken her a little bit to settle the anger she felt burning in her chest. Why had her parents hidden this important piece of information from her? She never confronted them, knowing there was probably a reasonable reason as to why it had been hidden from her.

The knowledge over her father being The Flash had created many questions in her head. Why did she not have his superspeed? She and Ravenna had been taught that metahuman powers were genetic once inherited. Once learning of her father's powers, Nora tried nonstop to awaken the powers. Ultimately, she had to give up after days of trying. She just couldn't understand why his powers never manifested in her.

"Nora?" Ravenna's voice broke her out of her thoughts. "Sorry. What'd you ask?" Nora internally cringed, hoping Ravenna wouldn't get suspicious. "Do your parents have superpowers?" "No." Nora lied. She felt awful about lying to Ravenna but she knew her father would be angry if she revealed his secret.

Nora glanced at the clock by her bed. It read 12:30. "I gotta go to sleep babe. Talk to you tomorrow at school." She waited for her girlfriend's answer. "Yeah, I gotta go to sleep too. Sleep tight. L-goodnight." Ravenna ended the phone call.

Nora's mind jolted as she realized that Ravenna almost said that she loved her. Nora felt that pit of sadness in her stomach. They had been for a while but neither had the courage to say the 'L' word. She knew they loved each other but she didn't know what held Ravenna back from saying it.

Nora placed her phone down and hissed as a small ark of electricity shocked her. She shook her finger and looked at it. Nothing looked to be wrong. She shook her head and pulled the covers over herself. She didn't notice the small ark of purple electricity that ran up her arm and disappeared.

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