Chapter 3 - Music of the Night

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Erik gripped my hand firmly and walked toward the wall. I wasn't sure what he where he was going but I was going to follow. Suddenly a part of the wall opened and he guided me behind the wall. Behind it was a tunnel and he quickly guided me through it. We seemed to be going up and up and at last he opened a trap door and helped me up. I drew in a breath as I realized that we were on the top of the building. I took one nervous step and found that the roof was very sturdy. I walked over to the edge were a tall railing held me in. I took a deep breath and looked over my view. It was the moor but I look up. I stared at the stars which seemed close enough to touch. I smiled and said,

“I never heard the end of your song. Would you please sing it all the way through?” I looked back at him and he walked over beside me.

“Very well.” He leaned on the railing and started to sing,

Nighttime sharpens,

Heightens each sensation

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination

Silently the senses abandon their defense

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendor

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender

Turn your face away from the garish light of day

Turn you thought away from cold unfeeling light

And listen to the music of the night

Close your eyes and surrender to you darkest dreams

Purge your thought of the life you knew before

Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar

And you'll live as you've never lived before

Softly, deftly, music shall surround you

Feel it, hear it, closing in around you

Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind

In this darkness which you know you cannot fight

The darkness of the music of the night

Let your mind start a journey to a strange new world

leave all thoughts of the world you knew before

Let your soul take you where you long to be

Only then can you belong to me

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication

Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation

Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in

To the power of the music that I can write

The power of the music of the night

You alone can make my song take flight

Help me make the music of the night.

I was lost in the music and almost forgot there was a world while I was listening to him. The more I listened the more I wanted to. It was perfect. When he stopped I could still hear the music in my ears. At last the spell ended and I said,

“That was beautiful. I haven't ever heard that song before. Who wrote it?”

“I did.” He said. I stared at him in shock.

“I... I don't know what to say except that was perfect.” I tried to smile while wrapping the thought around my mind that a mere man could do that.

“You are too kind. Now I want to here your voice.” My jaw dropped. He wanted to here me sing. I was horrible. My voice was untrained and ruff. I could hear it shaking when I sang.

“Why?” I asked. He smiled and touched my cheek with one long finger.

“Because I like it.” I sighed and gave in. If he wanted to hear it then I might as well. I launched into a country song I had heard and fallen in love with.

She was a flower for the taken'

Her beauty cut just like a knife...

He was a banker from Macon,

Swore he'd love her all his life...

Bought her a mansion on a mountain

With a formal garden and a lot of land...

But paradise became her prison,

That Georgia banker was a jealous man!

Every time he'd talk about her,

You could see the fire in his eyes...

He'd say,

I would walk through Hell on Sunday,

To keep my Rose in Paradise...”

He hired a man to tend the garden,

Keep an eye on her while he was gone..

Some say they ran away together...

Some say the gardener left alone...

Now the banker is an old man...

That mansions crumbling down...

He sits all day and stares at the garden...

Not a trace of her was ever found...

Every time he'd talk about her,

You could see the fire in his eyes...

He'd say,

I would walk through Hell on Sunday,

To keep my Rose in Paradise...”

Now there's a rose out in the garden...

It's beauty cuts just like a knife...

They say that it even grows in the dead of the winter time...

And blooms in the dead of night...

I slowly ended it and let out a deep breath. I looked over at Erik and saw he was smiling.

“You have a marvelous voice. It is unusual. I would like to train you but I think you need to rest.” He took my hand and I realized how tired I was. I leaned again his shoulder and almost fell. The lack of food was getting to me. Realizing I couldn't walk the whole way, he picked me up bridle-style and carried me to my bed. Tonight I didn't even need a lullaby. I feel sleep before he even left the room.

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