Chapter Three- Best Kept Hidden (Alec)

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Alec had never felt more like an idiot than in that particular moment. Salem and Thomas stared at him from their respective corners of the room, glanced at each other, then rested their eyes on him again. They both wore confused expressions.

"Eden?" Salem repeated, unsure of himself. Even her name affected Alec. He felt as though he'd just been sitting in a green field with the sun streaming on his face and a gentle breeze blowing on his back. In his visions there was a soothing stillness besides the wildflowers leaning in the wind, the rustle of the bushes and the running river around him. Eden had a calming presence, just discussing the weather with her made him feel like he'd lifted an incredible burden off his shoulders. The worst feeling was when she'd leave. The weight piled back on, slowly at first, then suddenly he'd be hit with a boulder of negative emotions and thoughts and he'd wish she never left at all.

"Yes." He sighed. He knew he wasn't supposed to say anything about her to them, but they wouldn't stop bothering him until they could get something out of him. The rest, unfortunately, had to be kept to himself. It was for their own good. The less Salem and Thomas knew, the less of a target they would be. Although that was already pretty difficult for them, considering what Alec knew about them, both of them were already being preyed upon by the Black Regime. Yet something kept them at bay and he wasn't quite sure what it was

"Alec, are you sure you can't tell us anything else?" Salem's voice was strained. He obviously wanted to know about her, but Alec couldn't say anything else. He promised.

"Please, guys, just go." He pleaded. He knew he needed to get back to work, especially after Eden's visit. He needed something to take his mind off of the things she told him, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Their last visit ran fresh in his mind.

"You've come again." He'd given her a warm smile, which she graciously returned.

"Yes I have." She'd replied and sat down. Their visits usually took place in the kitchen. It was the only place not swarming with people- usually. Of course, it didn't really matter if people saw them- they only talked- it was people listening they were afraid of.

"How's he doing?" She always asked first. It felt selfish, but Alec always wished she'd ask how he was doing, not his best friend. He shook his head at himself. His feelings didn't matter now. He was protecting his friends.

"He's fine." He told her. "He's actually out right now."

"And you haven't told him anything?" She raised an eyebrow at him. Her presence that usually calmed him made him uneasy. He began to panic, his face heating up. Of course, he hadn't said anything, but she was worried he would tell. He knew how important it was that he stayed quiet, but Eden didn't seem to know how trustworthy he was.

"No." He answered, squarely. "He doesn't know a thing." He wasn't lying when he had said that, but now he couldn't help but feel guilty. That just wasn't true now.


"Alec!" Salem clapped his hands in Alec's face, making him jump. Shaking his head, he tried to calm his racing heart as he was instantly snapped out of the trance he was in. His secrets seemed to take up his entire life now.

"What?" Alec hissed. He was starting to get extremely annoyed. Normally it was hard for anyone to irritate him but recently he'd been bothered quite easily. The lack of sleep never helped- his nightmares kept him awake. 

Alec always felt terrible about snapping at his friends and having such a short temper but he could never tell them why. He hated lying to his friends, but if they found out the truth it would only hurt them. Salem drew back as if he'd been slapped. He was never this aggressive towards him and even Thomas knew it. Alec started to feel worse. He shouldn't take his own negative feelings out on his friends.

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