On The Sixth Day Of Christmas...

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On the sixth day of Christmas, six demigods had a snowball fight.

"Alright! Annabeth, you plan out the fort." Percy said to his girlfriend, who nodded, and took out a piece if paper and a pen. "Leo, you build it. And I will prepare the snowballs."

Piper marched among the two trios, inspecting their work. She was on referee for a snowball fight. "Five minutes until the game starts!" She yelled out.

Jason kept making his snowballs. Frank was setting up mini catapults, while Hazel was building a wall. Jason glanced over at Percy's team, to scramble back onto his pile. They'd made a freaking snow castle! It seemed to be made out of metal as well, probably the craftsmanship of Leo.

"Four minutes!" Piper yelled out. Jason hurried to finish the last of the snowballs.


"And ... BEGIN!" Piper yelled out. Snowballs rained down on Percy's team's - the greeks - fort. He saw leo run over to the crossbow, and start firing snowballs at the other team - the romans - wall. The top part crumpled.

"Fire!" Annabeth yelled, running over to another crossbow, just as Percy and Leo started pelting the other team. Then she scrambled to their pile of snow on the ground, and started making more snowballs.

"Return fire!" Frank yelled, and his team catapulted more snowballs onto the greeks fort. But it did nothing.

Leo was loading the last of his snowballs into the crossbow, when his hand was stopped by Percy. "Save them." Leo nodded, and stepped back to help Annabeth making more snowballs.

"Fire!" Jason cried, and the romans used up their last ammo. Hazel started to make more, conveniently placing a gem in each one. Then she catapulted one, and controlled it to land in Percy's face.

"Man down!" Leo cried hysterically, running around. But that just got a snowball in his face.

"Idiots." Annabeth muttered, collecting up her snowballs and sneaking towards a crossbow. She loaded up, and pelted the romans.

Frank went down as one blasted his face, then Jason, until it was Hazel versus Annabeth. "Styx." Annabeth cursed. She'd have to sneak back to grab some more snowballs, but would risk getting out.

She got down on her hands and knees and crawled to the snowball pile, and grabbed three. Then she ran back, and loaded up the crossbow.

Hazel couldn't see Annabeth until she came into range. Then she aimed, and fired. But Annabeth returned fire, and the snowballs collided. Hazel cursed, and prepared to shoot another one, but Annabeth was faster. She shot Hazel in the face, and the romans lost.

"The greeks win!" Piper yelled.

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