Part 8

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As we stand there feel his hands start to slowly move from his sides to my hips he moves closer we are deeply looking into each others eyes he face moves closer to mines his lips touch mine and then.....SOME ONE WALKS IN  CAN I HAVE ON THING as they walk pass his body shifts from me to the wall now he's on the wall "sorry do have to use the bathroom he says " umm yes I'll be right back" I take care of my lady problems and go to walk out the bathroom he yanks my arm and I'm back on the wall again and he asks " is this ok" and I grab his face ready to kiss him our lips touch and we are now full out making out when he pulls away and says "ohh shoot we are gonna be in trouble if we go in class this late" then I interrupted and said "we won't be in trouble if you go in first and then I'll wait for a minuet and then I'll go in" he interrupted and said " you can go in first if you like" I said "ok" and grabbed his face and kissed him one lace time and said " byeeeeee" In a hi picked voice

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