VR 4

36 2 0

I could see laser bullets flash through the air as we approach closer towards the targets. I maintained a steady maneuver in each turn that the jet made since the controls are easy to understand. On the other hand, Matt shots down every single bug that wants to attack us or tried to get closer to our jet. Every shot he made was accurate. No laser bullets are wasted. I am impressed. But our enemy kept on coming at us, one after another. Later he rushed down from his position and went closer to me before pushing something on the control panel.
“It’s no use, there’s too many. We need to jump.”

“What?!” I flashed him a confused look. He looked serious as he held out his hand for me to grab. “Are you insane?!” But instead of answering me he just maintained his stern face.

“Do you trust me?” he added. I was unsure. Do I trust him? This guy that I just met? “I won’t let anything happen to you…” he added then paused. “…I promise.” His words full of sincerity.

My heart beats way faster than normal, and I didn’t even notice my hand extended to reach his outstretched one, later did I know, we were about to jump off the jet. He held my hand tight causing strange tingles travel through my veins and his words echoed in my mind. What is happening to me?

We jumped after his signal and the enemy continues to chase the jet before it self-destructed from afar, killing several bugs. He pulled me in and pulled out a card from his pocket and threw it below us, seconds later, a portal appears sucking us in and delivering us to a safe landing on the ground. But the perimeter we just landed were guarded by a medium-sized robotic centipede.

“Run towards the building!” he ordered me as he brings out his weapon, two high caliber laser guns.

“Are you forgetting that I am the top player of this game?” I said and took out my twin sword. Its blades whistling through the air as I do some simple spin.

“Just be careful.” He said before we both launched onto an attack.

I used my newly brought upgrades over the bug and had manage to damage its protective steel armor back. But I failed to notice the swing of its scorpion-like tail towards me. I would have been split into two, but Matt pulled me away in time before the sharp blades reached my skin. He wasted no time and took out a M83 grenade ball, the most destructive grenade in the game, and throwing it at the creature. He pulled me closer to him as we ran for cover. By the time the grenade exploded, we were already safe in an underground tunnel we manage to get into.

“You’re bleeding.” He said.

At first I thought he was lying, because game avatars and characters never bled, but when I look upon my upper arm, there was a medium-sized gash and it was bleeding. I could slowly feel the pang of pain it produces. Immediately he pulled out a clear bottle filled with some sparkling liquid and hands it out to me.

“Dink it.” He started. “Let us know if this healing potion will work.” He added. I wasted no time and drank the liquid in one go. After a few seconds nothing has happened, the wound didn’t closed and it continued to hurt. “’Damn it.” He looked shocked at the same time frantic as he rummages through his pockets until he caught a gray handkerchief and started to tie it over to my wound. “You are not supposed to bleed. Do you feel any pain?” He asked looking directly at my eyes as he finished tying the knots together.

“A little.” I replied, not able to get my eyes off of his.

“The situation is getting worse.”

“What do you mean?”

“If the players got injured in the game and they bleed, it means that if they die here, there will be no resurrection and the healing potions will not work anymore…”

“Which means if we’re dead, we’re dead?”

“Exactly. Players are getting more attached to the game.”
Now I feel anxious. “We better get this virus off! Which way do we go now?” I asked feeling impatient as I opened my own map and so did he. But the clear image won’t load and it continued displaying an error message every time I tried to refresh it.

“It’s no use. There is no signal down here, but I am sure that there will be enemies above us right now.”

“Then we must advance further into this tunnel.”

We both wasted no time and starts to make our way further in, I took the lead while he’s just a couple of steps behind me. Silence enveloped us and the air in the tunnel was getting cold as we proceed, minutes later I could feel goose bumps from both of my arms. It was getting even colder and I am not used to this kind of temperature since I live in a tropical country. I wrapped my arms over one another to maintain my body temperature stable but a soft and warm fabric suddenly wraps around my upper body in a comforting way. It was his thick winter jacket.

“The signal is still unstable.” He spoke.

“Aren’t you feeling cold?”

“I am a built-in game character, I don’t feel cold nor hot.”

“Oh, right.”

“Do you want to take a rest?”

“After going through all those troubles, I guess I could.”

We both stopped on our tracks and I sat down in a corner pulling the fabric closer to me. The jacket did a good job keeping me warm despite cold and the mist in the air created as we breathe. Then I sensed him sat down next to me and I didn’t realize I was staring at him, his facial features. And I couldn’t help but to admit that he has those good looks that can make any women fall for him. He turns his head towards mine and we came face to face. None of us dared to move and the atmosphere somewhat changed. This eerie feeling surrounds us, and I don’t know if he could feel what I feel. Through his warm gaze my body relaxed but my heartbeat races. He’s kind, funny, gentle, understanding and I don’t know why it’s easy for me to open up to him about my story.

If he were to be a real person… Would fate let us meet each other? Would… would he fall for someone like ME?’

I shook the thought off and looked away before pulling my knees towards my chest and hugging it. What am I thinking? He’s a built-in character of this game, made of codes and programs, he can never have feelings similar to a real human being. If I let this feeling take over me, it would only be one sided. Plus… the saddest thing that may happen is that... I live in reality, this Gaming World is just my getaway from all my hardships in reality. We both live in totally different world, I cannot stay in here forever.

“Are you alright?” his warm voice asked.

“Yeah… I just need to take a little nap.” I replied fixing my position into a comfortable manner.

“Ok. I’ll stay on guard.”

Virtual Reality: Warzone OnlineWhere stories live. Discover now