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Jane's pov

Am I in love with hayes? I have to be. I mean I feel so close to him and I don't even remember him. I feel like it's meant to be. I let go of him and look hi in the eyes and my head hurt.

The pain the bullying the love the heart break. "Hayes why?" I ask looking down. Why would he say he's my boyfriend when he has hurt me so much. "Why what?" He ask looking at me like he knows what I mean. "I remember and know you lied to me. You don't understand what you do to me do you."

"I may not but do you know what you do to me? Everytime I look at you my world stops. I need you in my life with out you I fall. So jane will you be my girlfriend?" He says holding my hands.

Do I say yas he has hurt me so much. But I love him. Ugh why is this so hard. What if I disappoint him. What if he hurts me more. Soon I find the room spinning and getting dizzy then I see black.

Hayes' pov

As soon I ask jane to be my girlfriend she start breathing heavy and pulls her hair. SHE'S HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!
"SOMEONE HELP" I yell nurses come running in push me out of the room. I walk to the waiting room and pace back in fourth.
'What if she's hurt what if she dies. Why did I have to ask her that? I'm so stupid' my mind wonders and I start getting scared.

So I will continue because you guys are so great I was looking at your comments and they made me smile.

And even if I normally don't give away my insta I will for you guys. It's:

But peace out my homie G's 😘

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