Chapter 5 - Gary Saves The Day

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My eyes were barely open, but I made out a large dog-like figure jumping in front of us. Arcanine? The fire-type Pokemon let out a rediculous amount of flames from its mouth.

All the Beedrill scampered away like butterflies.

When all the smoke from the fire cleared up, there was a bit of fire on the ground, burning the grass. The Arcanine quickly stomped it out before it could get bad.

What the hell was an Arcanine doing in Viridian Forest?

A whimpering sound distracted me & I saw Charmander laying there, extremely weak, & suffering from the numerous Beedrill stings he recieved. "No! Charmander!" I ran to him & scooped him up in my arms. "Char..." Even with being incredibly weak, he smirked at me. "I know... You did an amazing job Charmander! You showed those Beedrill's who's boss!" I praised him. "Charmander," he smiled at me & nodded his head weakly.

I wanted to cry, just seeing the condition he was in. "He needs a Pokemon Center immediatley," a male voice that did not belong to Brandon suddenly spoke. I turned to see...


"Gary?" I choked. Arcanine walked up to him & Gary pet the giant creature. "What are you doing here?" Brandon asked. "Saving you two from a swarm of Beedrill, what's it look like? Come on, I've been through this forest many times, I know the way out," he motioned for us to follow. & of course we did.

Within ten minutes we were out of there & in Pewter City. Gary went with us to the Pokemon Center, where we healed our Pokemon. "What was your Charmander thinking? Trying to beat all of those Beedrill himself?" Gary questioned.

"I... I don't know... He's very stubborn... Just like Brandon." Brandon rolled his eyes at me,"I'm not." "Sure you aren't," I spit sarcastically. Gary watched us with amusement.

"What were you doing in the Viridian Forest?" I asked him. "Picking up a package, for my grandfather, Professor Oak," he told me. "Why didn't you just drive your fancy Porsche?" Brandon spat rudely. I elbowed him & shot him a mean look, but he continued to gaze unamusingly as Gary.

"I wanted to travel on foot, I only use my car in Pallet Town, to go to the store & back & such. I don't want it to be destroyed by Pokemon," Gary explained, but Brandon wasn't even listening.

After getting our Pokemon back from the nurse at the Pokemon Center, Gary followed us outside. "You ever ridden in a sports car before?" Gary smacked his gum & looked me over. "No," I answered shyly. "Oh, it's amazing. The power you feel, how fast the car goes-"

"We're going to challenge the gym leader here, so you can leave now," Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Well the gym leader here is fairly easy for me, so I doubt that it should take long for you two to defeat him," Gary shrugged. "& what? Are you like a Pokemon Master now?" Brandon raised his voice & took a step towards Gary.

"No, but I have competed in the Pokemon League, & ranked in the top 25, so I'm pretty good. I'm actually the Viridian City gym lea-" Gary began to smirk but was interupted, of course.

"Really? I suppose you won't mind battling me & proving it then?" Brandon asked him angrily. "Brandon," I frowned, knowing that Gary would tear him to pieces. He was a rookie, Gary had placed top 25 in the Pokemon League! & he said he was Vidirian City's gym something... Was he the gym leader? Or perhaps he was like the back up gym leader, in case the real one wasn't there, who knew?

"Sure," Gary smiled evily & walked a good distance backwards so they'd have enough space for a battle. "Brandon, he's competed in the Pokemon League-" "I don't care." Brandon said coldly & pulled out a Pokeball. Why did he have to be so stubborn?! He knew he couldn't win, so why was he doing this?!

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