Chapter One: Interview

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It was a nice, spring morning where I was walking to my job interview. It was slightly pouring but it didn't bother me. I was smart enough to grab an umbrella to keep my outfit dry. I'm sure the, hopefully, soon to be boss would get a bad first impression if I walk in soggy.

The office isn't that far away from my house, so a simple walk to there will be good enough. And I don't think I could afford to ride the train to and from an office every single day. So I'm thankful that it's fairly close. 

I am able to get to the building with five minutes to spare. The front entrance is a fire glass pane with a black outline and doorknob. I wonder when he had the time do actually do that? But anyway, I push open the door and notice that the 'waiting room' just had one hand me down looking sofa, a poorly lit light, and a desk in the corner that has its paint peeling off. No one seems to be sitting at it so I just sit on the sofa. 

I guess there wouldn't be a receptionist since I'm trying to get that every job.  Now that I think about it, no one would really be working here right now. It would just be the newly rising hero, Endeavor. Even being reasonably new, he managed to get himself a two-story office building quickly. It's not the greatest, But it works.

The door to the hallway opens up and enters the fiery hero himself. His flames jumping around on his shoulders in a way to look intimidating. He looks at me and then around the room with a bit of a surprised look. 

"So. Your first one here. Follow me and I'll show you to my office," His voice gives off a musky feel as he leads me back. I look around the walls and they too do look kinda run down with half of the paint peeling off. 

After going up the stairs and walking a bit more, we get to this big door that seems to be old but had handmade carving. It had this rustic feel that the oldness of the door just made it look better. But one thing for sure, it didn't match the atmosphere the rest of the hallway had.

Endeavor opens the door and his office is HUGE. ˡᶦᵏᵉ ʰᶦˢ ᵉᵍᵒ It has a very modern, clean feel compared to the rest of the building. It makes me wonder if he just spent his money on only this office and the two doors. 

He guides me to sit on the chair in front of his desk. Endeavor also sits down and turns the fire off. Then I can see that he has a head full of natural red hair and a bit of a stubble. He starts asking me a bunch of important questions like why do you want this job, what are experiences you have, where'd you go for school, and stuff like that.

"Okay nice. Now, what is your quirk?" He asks me while looking for some signs on my body for a quirk.

"Oh. My quirk is called Rhopalocera. I'm able to make butterflies based on the four elements: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth."

"That's interesting," He pauses and looks at his computer once more. I have no clue if he actually thinks it's cool or if he's just being sarcastic. He begins to type more before turning back to me.

"Okay. We've finished the written portion. Now fight me." He says very bluntly.

"W-Wha? Fight you? I thought I was doing an interview to be your secretary?"

"Yes, you are. But you need to prove that you can protect yourself. What if a villain attacks my agency? I need to make sure you're able to protect yourself." I kinda warmed by his worrisome. But at the same time, I'm also being pitied. 

I've only seen a couple of his fights on the news, but he seems really strong. He was able to take down three villains by himself! And what do I have small, delicate little butterflies? His fire would burn them all before one touches him. I can't compete. 

But I need this job. Working at that dumb retail store is barely paying the bills. Let alone food and other essentials. I have to at least leave a small scratch on him. That will hopefully impress him.

"Come on, let's go!" He calls over for me at the door. I guess I was motivating myself for too long. I follow him out and we end up outside behind the building. The concrete plot is completely wet from all the rain. And it seems that the rain has actually gotten worse.

He walks to the other side of the plot of land and gives a fighter stance. I copy his stance in a more weakish way. I'm practically shaking in my boots. Feeling the rainfall on my hair and arms.

He lifts his hand to go through his hair, turns his fire back on and calls out, "Now don't hold back!!"






A/N: Whoop Whoop. I regret nothing.

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