Chapter 2 The Fight

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"Don't hold back!!" The hero in front of me yells out. Endeavor sends a burst of flames to indicate the fight has started. I stumble to dodge it, almost falling on my face. I look back at him and another is coming straight for me. I hop out of the way, only to have even more come after me. The heat of the flames is making me already sweat. I send out a couple of water butterflies but they vaporize on sight, making my heart drop.

Come on. How in the world do I get at least one scratch on him?

I try sending a crumbling Earth butterfly, but it leaves nothing on him. The ground is too weak from the pavement to do anything.

The hero manages to get two flaming hot jets to go on both of my sides. His flames are mostly withstanding the rain; It just causes them to sizzle. Endeavor splits the streams into two to make one coming towards me! WAIT IS HE ACTUALLY GOING TO KILL ME NONONONO WAIT!!!

In an act of self-defense, I throw my hands up over my face and close my eyes. The heat that was inching closer stopped. I dreadfully opened my eyes and see the clear wind butterflies pulling the fire up.  I feel a smile fall upon my face; Finally realizing what to do. 

Using both my hands, I send out multiple butterflies to barely get out of the sweat-inducing trap.  

"You finally figure out counter the jet. But can you counter this? " He chuckles out loud, changing the shape of the flames to a burning ball, coming right towards me. I try to send it back with a gust of air but it only slowed it down a bit. I'm forced to barely dodge, leaving a burn and a tear in my right arm sweater.

The ache the burn leaves me gripping the wound. I can feel the heat of another coming towards me. I role out of the way, landing on my knees. My hands throb, feeling the wet feeling of the rain and trickle of the small amount of blood from my palms. 

"Are you really just gonna give up?" He calls out to me mostly confused. 

"Insert snarky comment." This causes him to look up. A kaleidoscope of water and Earth butterflies sworm above him. With a flick of my hand, they all come crashing down! All the water at once is able to douse the flame made around his head. 

I dash over to him, almost flying with the air helping me go. Quickly making a mix of Earth and fire, I throw my fist into his face. Leaving him with a bloody dirt nose. The look on my face makes me wince. His fist shoots up, leaving a tail of fire behind it. I make the flames back away with the air. 

The fighting goes on for a while longer. 

"Whats wrong? Frustrated that you cant lay a finger on me?" Endeavor gives me a cocky smile.

"You only hit me once as well!" I try running towards him one last time to wipe that dumb smile off his face. I throw the water under at his feet to throw him off to then get the fire and rock to go at him. 

Endeavor is able to think quickly and block most of the oncoming attack and steps back a bit. From how drastically more warm his flames feel, I notice how close I am and try to jump back. But with all the water from the rain and my recent water butterflies, I end up slipping.

I try to find my footing but fail as I brace for impact. But that hard feeling never comes. Yet I feel something warm grab my back and sides. I open my eyes and notice the hero very close. I can clearly see his eyes. They're a harsh shape but have a bright turquoise color. His strong jawline. How fluffy his hair looks. The slight hint of red on his cheeks. How warm it feels to be this nice it would be to lean in and ki--

Endeavor notices how excessively I've been staring and helps me stand up. Still terribly close to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks with his eyebrows curved, "You seem red. Was I pushing you to hard?"

"Oh... Uh its nothing! I was just getting...Tired?" I answer with a bit of hesitation, starting the feel the stinging feeling on my arm.

"Ah okay. How about we head back inside and-" He pauses as he remembers the burn on my arm, "Shit I'm so sorry! Follow me I'll get you some bandages for that." He immediately grabs my arm and pulls me inside to get my arm covered.

He walks me back into his office and he pulls out a generic first aid kit, "Here role up your sleeve I'll help you." Thank god my sweater was a loose one so it would be easily.

He puts the ointment on and then wraps it up with a gauze bandage. I thank him numerous times for his kindness. And he leads me out of his office and to the waiting room. I notice that there still isn't anyone else in the room. 

I start heading back, mind wondering about the events that just happened. The way he looked at me before I fell. How warm it felt to be close. How careful he was to not hurt my arm even more then it was. 

I just hope what happened didn't effect my chances at getting this job. 







[A/N] As you can tell I need to work on my fight scenes. But I hope you have a good day! :>

🦋You Give Me Butterflies🦋 Enji Todoroki X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora