moosquuto id prety

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one sunby day felis was wakking down stret lookig for hs bother bang change becuse the boy hadd lost his wigk.

felz toldd chank not to dye his wig so muvk but his broder woulndt listhen. now his wock was lost

nuw le felick was walkkin donw the graden locking fpr flowers to ate when he sudenlly sew a moosquit9 flewing passed him

'mmm' felease said to hmmself, coz the moosequite was quit fat n juicy.

it haz a thiqe assets!!

the mosquiwo had thiqye thisghs nn thiqye arms. n flix luvd thiq muslces!!

felx was officelly in lov. tis wasb the pretiest musqito hed ever sen.

wut beaut!!

'daMN!' flex cooeed whun the mosquirto strted twekking.

it twekked so quik, it twekkked so magickally.

it twekked so harf felx wuz nuw seeng starts!!

'UGH!" te mosquto scremed wen it sew felz eyein it. it thut felix whas a perv. 'yOU nAstY'.

it tunt nd slaped fellocks acroz hs face. 'stupid perv!" it scremt.

'NO!' feliks triedt to defnd himslf. 'its jut u r too prety.'

the musquito blusheth. 'Aww, u reallt tink so?'

felc blusheth took. ' courseth.'

the mosquite was hapy. it jumpet into felxes arms and smelled at flex. 'aww, i luv u felet."

'i liv u too."

tge mosquit hadd prett eyez and fluttereth itd eyelazh. felix hath falen inlov agin.

buth then bangkok haf shewd up wit his wock. he screamh sein his broth wit sum horrifyink monquito

'letter him go you asahole!' he crid, slapng the inseck acrus the facr.


bangnaldo wuz new stranglng te mosquiito. 'DIE YOU MOSNTRE.'


'twink feleak! thiz mosqui wll suq ur blud!" cripsy roard.

freak wuz livid. 'LEAF IT ALUNE. KNOW!'

but chan haf alreddit killed te moscuto.

feli scremt with anker n pan. 'U WILL PAIE FURR THIS!' he scremt.

he grabbt chabg nd ynkef oof hs wick.

'NO!!! MY WOCK!!!"

felick through the wock into anoth dimention.

nw change wus bald acain. his wick wsn gun. nd he colndt get it bac.


felix lov mosquutoWhere stories live. Discover now