watching the other sleep

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(A/N as as of may 2021: this is really creepy and romanticises stalking :/ if you're an impressionable kid, dont take this to heart lol)
A/N: todays upload was meant to be hugging, but ive had a really bad couple days and needed a break, so here's a pre written omeshot of the next uploads prompt

Nagito quietly walked up the stairs of the apartment block, being as quiet as he could to not wake any of the tenants up. They would most certainly report him for disruption of the peace, and he didn't want that. Luckily,  the apartment he was going into was on the first floor, so that meant only one flight of stairs.

He grabbed the spare keys from his pocket and silenctly unlocked the white door.




Nagito listened to the lone ticking of the clock as he entered apartment 101, careful not to make a sound. The pitch black of his surroundings didn't bother him anymore, he had been here so many times that light was unnecessary. His eyes would adjust later, anyway.

The clock continued ticking as he made his way through the flat, making sure he didn't bang into anything or knock something over. He didn't want to wake him, after all. That would be a nightmare.


The small kitten that rubbed up against his shins made him jump in fright. He felt his heart race grow expediently fast, he breathing short and rasp. He let out a sigh of relief as soon as he realised it was nothing but the mere cat his love had bought himself a few days ago. Nagito couldn't remember it's name for the life of him, but he adored the feline anyway.

Continuing his way through the house, his feet met the transition from wooden to carpeted floor. Here he could increase his walking pace to his love's bedroom.


The deadly sound of a light switch being flicked on echoed in Nagito's ears. The light, although faint, felt blinding. He couldn't be found out. Not after all this time...

The sound of bare feet pitter-pattering on the carpet was drawing close, and he could see Hajime's shadow from around the corner. Any second now, Nagito would see Hajime's usually soft, sleeping face turn into one of disgust and horror. Nagito could imagine Hajime's plump lips turn into a stright line of disappointment. Nagito could imagine Hajime's eyebrows furrowing at the mere thought of him-

Nagito was hyperventilating.

His breaths were quick and short, eyes darting around his head. He cluched himself  to try and contain his noise. His head spun with all of the possibilities,  all of the consequences, all of the violence, all of the-


The darkness was once again surrounding Nagito in an overwhelmingly comforting sense. Of course- Hajime went to the bathroom beside his bedroom, not the one past him in the kitchen.

He giggled a sigh of relief and let his arms drop to his sides. God, was he lucky...

But he couldnt give up now. Nagito had to see Hajime's beautiful sleeping face, Hajime's beautiful sleeping body-

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