Final Chapter - Lured and Captured

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Kenzo's POV

The sun had set and a cool breeze blew over the road and into the woods as if the forest itself was inhaling.

I walked along the broken sidewalk looking into the dark pines to see if I could catch a glimpse of what Rodner was talking about. The moon was full and extra bright.

It almost looked like day out with a slightly bluish tint. There was no noise. No bugs. No birds. Only the breeze and my footsteps filled the night air. I would be home in just another 100 meters or so.

"KENZO!!!!!" A blood-curdling cry sounded from just inside the forest line.

That voice. I knew that voice. It was Margo. The hair on my neck stood straight up. My heart began to pound with a violent fervor. Margo hadn't come back with her mother when I left. What if she hadn't made it out of the woods? What if she was hurt? What if she was being taken?

"KENZO!!!!" The scream sounded again. This time it sounded like she was in agonizing pain.

I was in the woods twenty meters deep before I realized what I was doing. My eyes scanned everywhere frantically. "MARGO!!!!" I called out. There was no answer only dead silence.

The moon was so bright I could make out almost everything from the light that shown through the pine branches. "MARGO!!!!"

I was breathing through my mouth now. My breaths matched the frantic pace of my heart.

I stood there in silence. I looked hard at the dense pine forest in front of me. Movement caught my eye. I wasn't alone. There was movement everywhere but I couldn't see exactly what it was. Whatever it was made no noise and it appeared opaque, almost invisible. As if out of nowhere the opaque shapes melded into reality.

It is like human height. It's skin was white. It had thin leg, arms, and body structure. It's skin looked dry but ridged like a worms. It's head was large white sideways cones shape with no features only a small black hole in the front.

My muscles tensed as pure fear flowed through me. I couldn't move. I was awestruck and fear consumed at the same time.

It is in front of me. It looked horribly. I wanted to run. I couldn't. It moved slowly towards me. 10 meter from me it stopped. It was dead quiet. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it.

The hole at the front of it's head grew larger as if something was pushing out of it. Like the peeling of a sausage casing the skin of this thing pulled back and out of the black appear to be a young woman's head.

My jaws dropped. I could feel my heart beat in my ears. Her hair was black and greasy looking. Her eyes were black ovals. Her skin was pale. She looked up at me. It felt like an eternity as I looked at this human head upon this monstrosity. Her mouth opened.

"Kenzo," her voiced echoed. But I knew that voice. It was Margo's. Confusion took over. The woman head on this monster twisted sideways in horrible manner while looking at me with a blank facial expression.

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