Leo's POV 1

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I had yelled, roared, called, and screamed too many times to count but I received no answer. I don't understand; I am always answered. I'm too hard to ignore.

I had no clue where I was, but my skin- yes skin, not my usual, beautiful fur- felt on fire. I raised my eyes to the sun, my ruler, and it seemed so far away. Rubbing my newly bald neck with my newly humanized paw, I walked in search of anything useful.

My hind paws, which were now feet, much like Libra's ridiculous feet, sunk into sand. I frowned, it was an odd feeling, soft yet sharp. "I should find the others," I said to myself, "gather them up and find how to get the hell out of here."

Not too long after I found myself in the dessert, I came across a ratty village. The people there were tanned; the color reminded me of the color of my mane. They spoke rapidly amongst themselves as I approached. They feared me. This made me smile a little; it's always nice to feel on top. Once I entered their village, they became suddenly silent. I had no idea what language they spoke, so I couldn't say a thing. My native tongue is celestial and I couldn't even form the correct phonics. Damn it.

I motioned with my paw-- er... hand-for them to say or do anything that would let me know how they speak. Still they remained silent. I growled lowly, making them cower and whimper. To be honest I didn't mean to scare them, but if it gets me somewhere, I might as well do it again.

So I did, I growled again, with a snarl. I was happy to feel my canines still long and deadly. At the sight of my snarl, one woman began to pray and I could hear her words. They were speaking Arabic.

I quickly drew in the knowledge of the language and spoke, "Hello, where am I?"

Of course, they were silent again.

I sighed, "I'm not going to hurt anyone, I promise. Just please tell me where I am so I can keep moving."

A brave man stepped forward, "You are in Egypt, sir... A-Are you a god?"

I laughed then pondered his question. I guess I am sort-of a god. "Yes, yes I am. And thank you good man." I felt something different about them and me. I felt as if I was missing something.

Clothing. Well, that's embarrassing.

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