(7) exasperate

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Her | Him
Her friend | His friend

"Please stop calling me, pop star."


"You're Zach Herron, right? Or are your friends' names coincidentally the same as the members of the boy band Why Don't We?"

"I guess?"

"We are so not a boy band! We're a man band!"

"Is that Corbyn Besson?"

"Um no?"

"Dude is that your girlfriend again? Hi I'm Corbyn and I love cookies!"

"Exactly. Stop calling me, Zach."

"Okay, fine. What if I am Zach Herron, and he really is Corbyn Besson? I don't see anything wrong with that. I mean, you should feel lucky that I grace you with my presence."

"Uh. Full of yourself much? Maybe some people just don't want to be associated with you, Zach. Not everyone likes you."

"Well that's rude."

"I know. Just please don't ever call me again."

-call ended-

"Did I hear right? You were just talking to the Zach Herron?"


"You mean, the same Zach Herron that--"



I Want A Noose | Zach Herron ✓ ; zdhWhere stories live. Discover now