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I covered his little lips with my spare hand.

he looked scared, so was I.
so much has been taken away from this boy.

but right now we have to stay quiet,
we need a chance
I promised her.
and we will, we will survive.

I closed my eyes, held my breath.
and stood as still as possible.
I could feel myself quake and sweat with fear,
the wall of stones behind me was
I couldnt feel my legs,
and my mouth was so dry I was sure my lips looked wan.

The little boy in my hands made a sound, I fluttered my eyes open to meet his moon ones
and suddenly eveything seemed so simple.
eveything was very quiet.
it was almost funny,
it put anxiety in my stomach, but it was somehow comforting just as much.

I heard the footsteps fading away
I held him closer to my chest,

I think we have a chance.

1 vote 1 kiss
or 1 vote 1 lick if ur into licking-
sry ill shut up

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