Chapter 7: Round.

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"She got on the pool, fiddling with it she started walking around, she climbed the pool and twisted down sticking her ass out. She looked at me and smirked, after she slid down and arched her back holding the pool with one hand, once she did that she fell. It was funny as fuck. "Fuck!" Everyone looked at her while I bursted out laughing, Kat tried to help so did Camilla. "You bitch! You rigged this!" I looked at her, "How the fuck could I rig this!? Your the one who can't do a simple dance." She came over and slapped me, I was pissed now. Grabbing a class I broke it on her head, "Don't you even slap me again, you bitch," She pushed me down and I kicked her, giving her a black eye are boss broke us up. "Woah, calm down." She got pulled off me while my friends pulled me up, "What happened?" He sat Kat down, pulling the class out and wrapping her head. "She punched me because she can't do a simple dance." He looked at me, "Ok.. You both are being sent home." I looked at him wide eyed. "Wait. I didn't do shit!" He shook his head and wrapped her up still. "Bye Camdyn. I'll tell Brook."

- At home.. -


"So you got sent home?" Damien asked, his brother and sister watching TV. "Yep." I spun on my chair drinking a small cup of water, I got ice on my eye and red marks on my sides and wrist. "Well. Hope your feeling better, want me to stay..?" I looked at him, "Please?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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