Chapter 1: King's cross

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None of the characters are mine! I'm not a native, but my English is pretty good if I should say so myself.

'Boys! Come down you're gonna miss your train!' Ginny yelled up the stairs.
'First day, good luck sweetie' she added to Harry. Harry had been appointed head-auror after the Holiday. They had been skiing with the whole Weasley family.
'Three kids and still not married...' had molly been mumbling when they greeted each other in their chalet. Harry and Ginny were not married, it just seemed unnecessary and it was so much work to plan one.

'Boys come down! We're gonna be late!' Harry shouted up again. He gave Ginny a fast kiss goodbye before the kids stormed in. James came first shouting: 'dad, dad! Help she's gonna kill me!' He hid behind Harry.
'James! I'm gonna kill you!' Lily screamed before she saw Harry. 'Dadddyyyy, he killed daisy!' Lily wailed. Daisy was her stuffed bee toy.
'Come here.' Harry said softly and took daisy from Lily's hands. He repaired with a simple spell.
'There you go' Harry said and handed the little bee back to lily.
'Wow, thank you dad!' Lily said, her face glowing up.

'Albus Severus Potter! Come downstairs right now, you're gonna be late!' Ginny yelled almost panicked after 5 minutes of waiting.
'Coming, coming! And don't use my whole name, you know I don't like it when you do that.' Albus said while running down the stairs.
'All relax, let's get going boys.' Harry said simply and softly pushed the boys out the door.
'Bye Albus!' Lily said and waved.
'Hey!' James said being dramatically hurt.
'No, I don't like you anymore. You should become an actor though.' Lily said while she turned around and walked inside.
'Are you sure you're not coming?' Harry asked Ginny.
'No, You know how jealous she gets.' Ginny mumbled with a slight chuckle.
'Ok then, bye' Harry waved and ran after the boys.
'Make sure you're on time!' Ginny shouted at his retreating back. Harry gave a thumbs up in return.

When they arrived at King's cross they had 10 minutes left.
'Ok, get us some trolleys Al.' Harry tossed him a coin

Once they were on the platform they had 5 minutes left so Harry helped the boys get their trunks on the train. When James' trunk was on board he gave his dad a hug and set of to meet his friends. Albus hung around searching for Ron and Hermione with his dad. They found them standing on the platform, talking to Rose who was already inside the train.
'Hey guys!' Albus said exited.
'Hey Al, hi Harry! Al come on inside, sit with me!' Rose said, and off was Albus.

'Hi guys.' Harry said.
'Hey, wassup my dude' Ron said, obviously trying to sound cool.
'You really need to stop talking like that Ronald, it's weird' Hermione tried to say angrily but she couldn't hide her smile.

'Hey Harry, congrats with your new job by the way!' Ron said.
'Oh yes, congratulations!' Hermione said.
'Well yeah, thanks.' Harry said uncomfortably.
'What's wrong Harry?' Hermione asked concerned.
'Well it's just, im a bit scared. Head-auror that's like a big deal.' Said Harry nervously.
'Oh Harry, I'm sure you'll do great.' Hermione comforted him.
'Yeah, I guess. Thanks.' Harry hadn't talked to anyone about his doubts yet, not even to Ginny.

A minute before the train had to leave Albus stormed out of the train and into his fathers arms.
'Dad, what if I'm in Slytherin?' Harry could hear the fear in his voice. Harry and Albus had been talking about it but never really made a big deal out of it.
Harry crouched. 'Albus Severus' an annoyed sound came from Albus when he said that.
'No, no wait. You were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew.' Harry explained.
'But what if I am.' Albus said sadly.
'Then Slytherin house will have gained an excellent student, won't it? And if you really don't want to be in Slytherin the Sorting Hat will take your choice in account.'
'It did for me.' Said Harry with a reassuring smile.
'Oh, ok then. I love you dad.' Albus whispered softly before turning his head to see a blonde boy staring at him.
'Hi!' Albus walked towards him happily. 'I'm Albus, are you ok?'
'Yeah, I'm Scorpio.' Harry heard the boy say.
'Hmm Malfoy's son' Harry thought 'we'll see where that ends...'

When Scorpio, Rose and Albus had found a compartment they all hung out of the windows to wave at their dads (Rose was the only one with a mom to wave at at the moment).
At that moment Harry saw Draco. Standing there, waving at his son trying to smile.
'Oh no, Ron! Hugo fell of the swing and broke his arm! We have to go Harry, I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll do great!' And they were gone.

Harry stared after the train until every one had left.
When he was about to leave he heard a loud thump and looked around. He saw someone on his knees, shoulders shaking. Harry approached the shaking pile of limbs and saw a blonde head: Malfoy.
'Hey, er, are you ok?' He asked slowly.
Malfoy's head turned so fast it may have fallen of. As soon as he saw Harry he stood up and hid his tears the best he could.
'Potter.' He said with a stiff nod and rushed out of the station.
Harry had heard about Malfoy's wife. She had caught an unknown sickness and died only a year after Scorpio was born. Draco probably felt heartbroken because she couldn't be there when Scorpio left for school.
Harry felt a weird sadness inside of his stomach and felt an urge to go comfort Draco.

This is my first ever fan fiction. Please tell me if you like it, you can send some tips to my Instagram: @obviouslydrarry

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