2. Strangers

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Warning: Mature content. I will give head-ups where the part starts and ends.


Said that we're not lovers, we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all

We're not lovers, we're just strangers

-Stangers, Hasley


"We're here," Jungguk announces, once they reach a shabby-looking place. Hoseok yawns, smacking Violet's head to wake her up. She groans in annoyance, rubbing her eyes, and stretching her arms out. 

She yawns lazily, opening her mouth wide. "Look at your mouth. You look like you can swallow me and Jungguk in one go." Hoseok comments, shaking his heading like a judgy old woman.

"Oh, yeah? But why swallow you both when I can swallow something quite precious of yours, Oppa?" she flirts, batting her lashes at him. Jungguk blushes while Hoseok makes a disgusted face, he shouts, "My bloody ears! Forgive her, Lord! Please take your lost lamb back into your shelter, I pray to you[...]" he steps out of the vehicle to take out luggage, muttering holy prayers. 

Violet chuckles, watching him all flustered. 

Her smile falls once her eyes fall on the poorly built house. "This is the house?" she yells, exaggerating the words. "Yes, noona. You don't like it?" Confused Jungguk asks. "I hate it!" she complains once she stands at the door of the place, "I'm definitely not staying in this wretched house. It looks like it holds thousands of rodents!"

"The only rodent I see here is you," Hoseok mutters under his breath.

"I heard that!" the girl whines.

Hoseok sighs at the behavior of the 21-year-old. "Violet, cooperate for a while, will you? This place will be excellent if we work a little on it. Besides, it doesn't catch a lot of attention, which is a plus for us." He lectures the girl while she pouts like a child being scolded by the mother. "Whatever," she mumbles under her breath.

Jungguk helps his Hyung to pick up the luggage when he complains. 

While the two men drag the luggage inside the house like a pair of donkeys, Violet takes the chance to light up a cigarette. She breaths in the toxic substance and puffs out the smoke. 

She eyes the town, not any soul visible. Empty streets said so much about themselves. 

"This city, it's changed completely," Jungguk comments once he's done with the work. Violet agrees. 

"Yes, it shows." she observes the surroundings for a moment before stating, "This place stinks of blood and death."

"We have to be careful." Jungguk warns, "You have to be careful, noona."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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