Teaser. :P

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His vision returned just in time to see his commanding officer get his brain splattered across the ground. It shocked him to say the least. He'd never seen another person die, at least as far as he knew.

He suddenly felt him being grabbed by one of the shoulder straps of his protective vest and dragged backwards, behind a humvee. The ringing is his ears stopped just in time to hear the corporal shouting through the humvee's raido "This is Corporal Ramirez of Ranger squad Delta 7! We have multiple KIA's, including Sargent Adams! It's me, Jameson, Foley and Marshall left, we're taking heavy fire from enemy combatants to our west, requesting fire mission!"

Bullets from enemy soldiers guns whizzed by, implanting themselves into trees, dirt and the side of the humvee.

Ramirez spotted that he was awake and reached into the vehicle, pulling out an M4 assault rifle and handing it to him "Help Jameson and Foley, private!"

He quickly scrambled to his feet and ran to help what was left of his squad. He could only hear bullets, his breathing and the pounding of his boots against the ground.

He slid into the makeshift dugout, transitioning to lay on his stomach, using a sandbag to level his rifle as he shouldered it.

"Welcome back!" Quipped Jameson

"Shut it!" He shot back as he took a shot at an enemy solider. "Sargent Adams is dead, Ramirez is CO. He's calling in air support now." Another shot.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Exclaimed Jameson.

"I wish I was!" He said.

Suddenly their radios crackled to life, it was Ramirez.

"Get your asses back here now! Friendly AC-130 is coming in for air support!"

Oop, like this is all the we have!

Read the story to find out why this happens!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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