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Yesterday was Type's birthday!
So let's celebrate it with a oneshot!


Today was the day Type turned 25 years old. Like the good old days, he was celebrating it with his gang in university. They were now walking on their own career path. Techno was a professional football player, Tharn was a drummer in a popular band he formed back in the university days with Lhong, while Type was a PE teacher in an elite highschool.

Type invited No and Tharn to hit the bar and drink up the whole night, reminiscing the days in university. And it was all on Type since he was celebrating his birthday.

"Cheers to our cool teacher, Type Thiwat!!!" Techno cheered loudly for his best friend as he raised his own glass. He never changed, always loud and deafening. Tharn and Type chuckled as they followed his gesture and tossed their glasses, producing clinks from the hitting glasses.

The three of them gulped down all their drinks. Techno and Type were having whisky in shots, while Tharn had to be content with beer only tonight since he had to perform tomorrow and having a hangover wouldn't be wise.

"Dude, you're 25 already and you haven't settled down yet." Suddenly, Techno was back with his annoying tease. He was getting a little bit more cocky just because his brother's friend finally confessed to him and now they were in a 3-month old relationship.

Type rolled his eyes lazily, getting tired of his friend's bragging. The joke about him being all single and alone was getting old anyway. He had always been single all his life, no girlfriends, no crushes, nothing. Techno had been teasing him since they were in university.

But Techno's teasing was getting more like his mom who nagged him for never bringing someone to their home. It wasn't like Type didn't want to be in a relationship, but... he never found someone that piqued his interest just yet.

Type sighed, his brows quirked up and rebuked, "This fucker is 25 and single too. I ain't the only one." Type pointed his thumb to the other guy sitting next to him.

Tharn was a hot drummer with nice face and body. And the most important thing was he was single too but unlike Type, Tharn wasn't getting teased by Techno. It was unfair.

No chuckled and patted Type's shoulder, "But he has always been associated with girls in gossip forums! Tharn is the talk of showbiz although he never confirms the rumor. Like this month, you're rumored to be in a relationship with that singer, right?" Techno had directed his question to the drummer.

"Puifai?" Tharn asked and was replied by a nod. He laughed as he sipped his beer, "It's just a rumor. I'm not with her."

Tharn would always let the rumors about him circulating until it died down. He was lazy to clear them up anyway. And it worked just fine.

"See? It's just a rumor! He's still single, like me." He hissed to Techno once Tharn confirmed that he wasn't in any relationship. Type was tired being the only one teased by his friend. As if he was the only one single in their gang.

Techno shrugged, "At least there are rumors about him. Unlike you." He filled his glass again and drank it.

Sometimes Type really wanted to try strangling Techno, "I'm a PE teacher, not a fucking drummer of a popular band. Nobody wants to know my love life." Type spat and his face showed that he was clearly annoyed.

Tharn laughed and draped his arm around Type's shoulder, "No is just kidding, Type. It's not that serious, anyway." He reminded the tanned guy, since Type had always been hot-tempered one, and it seemed like age was really just a number. Tharn didn't want his friend's birthday was ruined just because of a mere joke.

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