talk after the sleepover/confession(edited)

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I had a lot of things on my mind, after the whole making out with Zane thing I had to think of a way to confess my feelings, jay and Kai woke up early, I was awake but to tired to even move,
I packed up my headphones, and started thinking when a voice interupted me from my thoughts
"K-kai stop i-it" that sounded like Jay's voice, I sighed and forced myself out of bed and downstairs, I got to the kitchen to find Kai's arms wrapped around Jay's waste and a very flustered jay, Kai was kissing jays cheek and neck, jay was so flustered it looked like he was about to pass out
"K-kai please s-stop it" he studdered
Kai smirked "nu, why should I cutie" Kai replied
"B-but what if the others see us like this" jay panicked a bit

"So it doesn't matter to me" Kai replied, and kissed jays neck, I could her soft moans coming from jay

"A-ah Kai, N-no" jay blushed 

I had enough I had to stop.....whatever was going on 

"Wow, good morning" I said in a low tired tone

"C-cole, i-i-i-i can explain" jay blushed, Kai glared at me, I think he was mad that I interrupted his time with jay, but I could care less
"Mhh no need to" I yawned
I hear someone thumping down the stairs
"Good morning" a voice said from behind me
My face instantly turned red
"M-morning zane" I blushed
"Morning Cole" he said without looking at me
(After everyone was downstairs and ate breakfast and a wake)
"Z-zane can I talk to you in private" I stuttered a bit
He nods
(In Luna's room)
"So look about last night I can explain" I said flustered
"I know" he said looking away
I sigh "Zane" I said
I used one of my hands to hold his face and the other to hold his hand
"C-cole" he blushes
"I like you Zane like more then friends" I blushes
He was silent for a bit
"Zane are you oka~" I was cut off by Zane's lips, I melted into the kiss
"Z-zane" I said all flustered
"I love you to cole" he smiled

So sorry for the short chapter I'm really trying but I'm really tired after this whole quarantine thing so you know I'll try to do better

lovelove out~~~~~~~~~~

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